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Mostrando 722 resultados

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Material Culture Inglés
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493 resultados con objetos digitales Muestra los resultados con objetos digitales

Out of the Silence
Out of the Silence
Whaling Canoe
Whaling Canoe
BC Pavillion in Seville
BC Pavillion in Seville
Unfinished metal projects
Unfinished metal projects
Peabody Museum, Boston
Peabody Museum, Boston
Ann Smith - weaver
Ann Smith - weaver
[Bill Reid drawing on lithographic stone]
[Bill Reid drawing on lithographic stone]
Canadian Museum of Civilization [1 of 2]
Canadian Museum of Civilization [1 of 2]
Royal British Columbia Museum bracelets
Royal British Columbia Museum bracelets
Unidentified painting on wood
Unidentified painting on wood
Carvings on display in store or home
Carvings on display in store or home
Killer Whale Arch at the entrance to Kwatiutl Indian Cemetery
Killer Whale Arch at the entrance to Kwatiutl Indian Cemetery
Tree with carved face
Tree with carved face
Face carving
Face carving
Cowichan Indian knitting
Cowichan Indian knitting
Hands of our ancestors
Hands of our ancestors
Resultados 1 a 20 de 722