Showing 586 results

Archival description
Building Structures
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536 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects

Earthquake destruction
Earthquake destruction
Earthquake destruction and dead body
Earthquake destruction and dead body
Nagoya Spinning Mill
Nagoya Spinning Mill
Structure over water in snowy landscape
Structure over water in snowy landscape
Fortress wall with building over water
Fortress wall with building over water
Two figures in ceremonial dress
Two figures in ceremonial dress
Figures walking around a temple
Figures walking around a temple
Large tree supported by wooden poles
Large tree supported by wooden poles
Flowers (chrysanthemum) in greenhouse
Flowers (chrysanthemum) in greenhouse
Carved doorways and statuary
Carved doorways and statuary
Children on a porch
Children on a porch
The thousand armed Kannon, Sanjūsangen-dō, Kyoto
The thousand armed Kannon, Sanjūsangen-dō, Kyoto
Trees and tori gate on hillside
Trees and tori gate on hillside
Boys flying kites
Boys flying kites
Building interior
Building interior
City street scene
City street scene
Irises in front of building
Irises in front of building
Captain Carpenter – Carnegie Museum of Pittsburgh
Captain Carpenter – Carnegie Museum of Pittsburgh
Captain Carpenter – Canadian Museum of Civilization
Captain Carpenter – Canadian Museum of Civilization
Digital media
Digital media
Results 1 to 20 of 586