- 16-a033277
- Stuk
- [1891]
Part of James Davidson collection
Item is a photograph showing earthquake destruction in the Neo Valley. A jutting roof appears in the foreground. Photographed by Mr. K. Kimbei of Yokohama
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Part of James Davidson collection
Item is a photograph showing earthquake destruction in the Neo Valley. A jutting roof appears in the foreground. Photographed by Mr. K. Kimbei of Yokohama
Earthquake destruction and dead body
Part of James Davidson collection
Item is a photograph showing earthquake destruction. Two men are standing by a dead body.
Part of James Davidson collection
Item is a copy of Plate VI in the book "The Great Earthquake of Japan, 1891" by John Milne and W.K. Burton, showing the Nagoya Spinning Mill in Japan, after 1891 earthquake.
Structure over water in snowy landscape
Part of James Davidson collection
Item is a photograph showing a structure over water in snowy landscape
Fortress wall with building over water
Part of James Davidson collection
Item is a photograph showing a fortress wall with building over water. Label reads "Osaka Castle". Scene in circular mat
Two figures in ceremonial dress
Part of James Davidson collection
Item is a photograph showing two figures in ceremonial dress standing in front of an entranceway
Figures walking around a temple
Part of James Davidson collection
Item is a photograph showing figures walking around a temple
Large tree supported by wooden poles
Part of James Davidson collection
Item is a photograph showing a large tree supported by wooden poles outside a building. Possibly Park Maruyama, Kyoto.
Flowers (chrysanthemum) in greenhouse
Part of James Davidson collection
Item is a photograph showing flowers (chrysanthemum) in greenhouse. Possibly "The Chrysanthemum Show." Possibly by photographer Kozaburo Tamamura.
Part of James Davidson collection
Item is a photograph of carved doorways. Statuary appears in the background
Part of James Davidson collection
Item is a photograph of three children wearing traditional clothing on a porch
The thousand armed Kannon, Sanjūsangen-dō, Kyoto
Part of James Davidson collection
: Item is a photograph of rows of the thousand armed Kannon or Bodhisattva figures at the Sanjūsangen-dō, a Buddhist temple officially known as Rengeō-in (Hall of the Lotus King) in Kyoto, Japan. This temple was a popular subject, and several photographers of the time took similar photos.
Zonder titel
Trees and tori gate on hillside
Part of James Davidson collection
Item is a photograph of trees and a tori gate on a hillside. Reads, "SUN SET."
Part of James Davidson collection
Item is a photograph of several boys wearing traditional clothing flying kites. A western-style building appears in the background. Reads, "BOYS PLAYING KITES."
Part of James Davidson collection
Item is a photograph of the interior of a building.
Part of James Davidson collection
Item is a photograph of a city street scene. Several people wearing traditional clothing and rickshaws appear. Notes read, "Osaka" but not indicated on plate.
Part of James Davidson collection
Item is a photograph of irises in front of a building. Reads, "IRIS GARDEN AT KIOTO (sic)."
Captain Carpenter – Carnegie Museum of Pittsburgh
File contains images of a bent-wood box painted by Captain Carpenter housed at the Carnegie Museum of Pittsburgh.
Captain Carpenter – Canadian Museum of Civilization
File contains images of a canoe created by Captain Carpenter housed at the Canadian Museum of Civilization. Images show the canoe prior to and post restoration. In addition this file contains the Canadian Conservation Institute report regarding the paint samples taken from the canoe.
File contains copies of images held at the Royal British Columbia Museum Archives and a pdf document titled "The Role of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police During the Indian Residential School System" produced by the RCMP.