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1375 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects

Robes of power: Totem poles on cloth

Subseries contain the images used in the booklet Robes of Power: Totem Poles on Cloth written by Doreen Jensen and Polly Sargent, as well as a copy of the booklet. In addition, there are images of a children's workshop that took place during the exhibit at the Museum of Anthropology.

Massett Haida pole carving

File mainly contains slides of artist Jim M. Hart carving a replica of a pole that originated in Massett. There are also images of the replica pole's raising ceremony held at MOA in 1982.

Bill Reid pole

Subseries contains images mostly taken by McLennan that show the Bill Reid pole which sat outside the Museum of Anthropology at UBC being taken down and moved inside the museum because it was no longer stable due to weathering. This spurred a project funded with a Canada Council grant to then create a new pole to put up in its place. This pole was carved by Jim Hart and called the Respect to Bill Reid pole.

Respect to Bill Reid pole website

File contains the digital media used to create the virtual museum website for the Respect to Bill Reid Pole in both English and French. These include html pages, audio and video files, images, the electronic invitation to the event, logos and text files, css style sheets, and javascript code.

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