Douglas & McIntyre fonds
Douglas & McIntyre fonds
Helen Frances Codere fonds
Helen Frances Codere fonds
Helen Moore fonds
Helen Moore fonds
Henry Delmonese collection
Henry Delmonese collection
Joan Goodall collection
Joan Goodall collection
R.A. Brooks collection
R.A. Brooks collection
Richard Cotton fonds
Richard Cotton fonds
Selig and Gloria Kaplan fonds
Selig and Gloria Kaplan fonds
Celebration of the Raven film soundtrack, ambient noise
Celebration of the Raven film soundtrack, ambient noise
Celebration of the Raven film soundtrack, Haida singing Part 1
Celebration of the Raven film soundtrack, Haida singing Part 1
Henry Hunt totem, Legislature Park, Wpg.
Henry Hunt totem, Legislature Park, Wpg.
(Replica) Haida mortuary pole, Thunderbird Park, Victoria, B.C.
(Replica) Kwakiutl housepost #5, Thunderbird Park, Victoria, B.C.
Tallest totem pole, carved by Mungo Martin, Beacon Hill Park, Victoria, B.C.
(Replica) Haida thunderbird and whale #16, Thunderbird Park, Victoria, B.C.
(Replica) Tsimshian and Haida memorial poles #9, 10, 13, 14, 15, + 17, Thunderbird Park, Victoria, B.C.
(Replica) Tsimshian memorial poles #9, 10, Thunderbird Park, Victoria, B.C.
World's tallest totem pole, carved by Mungo Martin, Beacon Hill Park, Victoria, B.C.
Top of tallest pole, carved by Mungo Martin, Beacon Hill Park, Victoria, B.C.