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First Nations
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Vickie Jensen and Jay Powell fonds

  • 3
  • Fundo
  • 1969 - 2021

Fonds consists of records relating to the numerous culture and language projects that Powell and Jensen worked on since 1976. The communities with which they worked include:
• The Quileute of La Push
• The Kwakwaka’wakw of Alert Bay
• The Gitxsan of Kispiox, Gitanyow, and surrounding villages
• The Nuu-chah-nulth of Vancouver Island
• The Musqueam of Vancouver
• The Seton Lake St'at'imc (Lillooet) of Shalalth
• The Shuswap of Alkali Lake, Soda Creek, Dog Creek, Canim Lake, and Sugar Cane
• The Haisla of Kitamaat
• The Nisga’a of Gingolx (Kincolith) and New Aiyansh

Most of the projects had an end goal to produce a book, language education materials, or teacher training materials. Often the education materials incorporated cultural lessons throughout. The records created in the production of the books are varied and reflect the intrinsic connection between language, culture, and daily activities in the communities. Powell and Jensen were co-editors for nearly all of the language books and materials produced. Although some of the projects reflected in the records were done primarily by Powell or primarily by Jensen, the vast majority of the work involves collaboration between the two in some aspect. As Jensen and Powell immersed themselves in the communities they worked for, often their personal photographs and records are interspersed with those relating to their work. This community involvement enhanced their relationships with the people with whom they were working and allowed them to experience and participate in cultural activities as part of those communities. This close relationship is reflected in and is integral to their work. Jensen and Powell have two sons: Nels, born in 1978, and Luke, born in 1981. Their sons travelled with them to the communities in which they worked and lived, and on their work trips and sabbaticals. Nels and Luke are also present in many of the photographic records.

The records contain a mixture of research, field notes, administrative records, and publications at various stages, in addition to audio and visual records. Field notes, for the most part handwritten, and archival research into language and culture groups was undertaken by Powell, whilst the majority of the photography, found in a variety of formats, was done by Jensen. Manuscripts and final publications were a combined effort and are included at various stages. Administrative records, including grant proposals, are found throughout.

Fonds consists of 13 series of records. Series are arranged according to community and/or project, and include:

  1. Quileute
  2. Chinook Jargon
  3. Kwak’wala (U’Mista)
  4. Gitxsan
  5. Nuu-chah-nulth
  6. Salishan
  7. Shuswap
  8. Haisla
  9. Tait
  10. Northwest Coast artists
  11. Northwest Coast groups
  12. UBC totems/events
  13. Publications

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Haida history spoken by Chief William Matthews of Masset Part 1

Item is a sound recording of Chief William Matthews of Massett, Haida Gwaii, British Columbia discussing various topics including: the formation of Native Brotherhood of British Columbia, which was established in 1931 and is recognized as Canada’s oldest active Native organization, and a senior BC fishing organization; proceeding years of the organization’s existence including who had governance in the organization, descriptions of various delegates, which villages were represented in the organization and the growth of the organization in subsequent years; personal stories about his family; history and social structure of the village he grew up in and of Haida peoples more broadly.

Haida Singing Reel No. 6

Item is a sound recording of singing in Haida along to drum accompaniment. There is also some speaking in between songs using the Haida language.

Haida history spoken by Chief William Matthews of Masset Part 2

[rr_0024t1a] Item is a sound recording of Chief William Matthews of Masset, Haida Gwaii, British Columbia discussing Haida history. Topics include: the history of Haida villages, particularly the village of Masset; carver Robert Davidson who lived in Masset during his infancy; and traditional forms of fishing and agriculture.

[rr_0024t2a] Item is a sound recording of William Matthews discussing Haida history. Topics include: stories about fishing and hunting expeditions as a child; how he became involved in Council work in Masset; impact of the work done by Council on the village and improvements made; specific individuals involved in Council; differences in the approach between Council now and during his tenure; observations about life in Masset now and then.

MOA Magazine, Issue 08, Fall 2019

This issue contains articles on current and upcoming exhibitions, the Great Hall seismic upgrades, the UBC President's Staff Award for Community Engagement recipient Salma Mawani, the beginning of a project to decolonize MOA's Africa collections, funding from Canadian Heritage's Museum Assistance Program, Playing with Fire: Ceramics of the Extraordinary, the history of the museum and the Hawthorns, fast fashion and sustainable textiles, highlights from the Multiversity Galleries, the return of a Haida mortuary pole, the Native Youth Program, the MOA shop, artist-in-residence Sharon Reay, and the MOA Director's Advisory Council.

MOA Magazine, Issue 07, Spring 2019

This issue contains articles on current and upcoming exhibitions, the new Collections Access Grant program, the release of the book People Among the People: The Public Art of Susan Point, Shadows, Strings and Other Things: The Enchanting Theatre of Puppets and related programs, Javanese puppeteer Sutrisno Hartana, the Ninini (Earthquake) dance at the Frank Nelson Memorial Potlatch, MOA's conservators Miriam Clavir and Heidi Swierenga, highlights from the MOA archives, the book Divine Threads: The Visual and Material Culture of Cantonese Opera by April Liu, and how to leave a gift to MOA in your will.

Audrey Hawthorn discusses the work of Mungo Martin

Item is a sound recording of Audrey Hawthorn discussing the work of Mungo Martin as he provides a carving demonstration. Mungo Martin does not speak during the recording. Audrey Hawthorn provides a brief biography of Mungo Martin, a description of his work carving the totem poles that stand at UBC’s totem park, the tools he uses, his design process and lastly describes the the intricate steps required to create Kwakiutl wood carvings.

Teslin traditional storytelling and singing by George Johnson

Item is an audio recording of George Johnston (Tlingit name was Kaash KlaÕ) at age 80 singing and speaking in either Haida or Tlingit. He was a hunter, trapper, entrepreneur and photographer and was known for documenting his family life and the Yukon community of Teslin, where he lived. For biographical information see

Tsimshian songs recorded by Dr. Viola Garfield

Item is a recording of Tsimshian songs recorded by the American anthropologist Dr. Viola Garfield (1899-1983) of the University of Washington. The songs in this recording were sung by Matthew Johnson (ca. 1867 - ?) who was one of the leading lineage heads of the G-spaxlo-‘ts tribe, and a great admirer of the lineage of the Tsimshian chief, Legaic” (Legaik, Legex). The title Legaic was carried by at least four chiefs of the Tsimshian Eage Clan. The last-known individual to carry the title took it in 1938.The cylinder numbers referenced during the recording are #14561, #14562, #14563, #14564 .

The Dr. Viola Garfield fonds is housed at the University of Washington Special Collections. She carried out field work in the summer of 1932, 1935 and 1937 at the Tsimshian village of Port Simpson, British Columbia. An Ediphone machine provided by the University of Washington Anthropology Department was used to record and store the songs on wax cylinders, which were deposited at the University. The recordings were transferred to the open reel format in 1971. More information is available in Dr. Viola Garfield's book Tsimshian Clan and Society (1939), available in the MOA Reading Room, call number 12.7 TSI GAR.

A document that accompanied this recording contains the following text:
Document text:
Cylinder 14561
000 - Song # 1 - Matthew Johnson - marriage song composed for the wedding of Legaik’s sister to ni•s nawa•
030 - Song # 2 - Matthew Johnson - entertainment and potlaching song, a song belonging to Legaik
080 - Song #3 - Matthew Johnson - supernatural power song ni•s nawa, Sky Spirit
137 - Song #4 - Matthew Johnson - a winant secret society power song belonging to ni•s nawa• Kilutsan chief
168 - Song #5 - Matthew Johnson – a secret society song or ludzista•l song
Cylinder 14562
190 - Song #6 - Matthew Johnson, a dog eater society song. nute•m, ni•s nawa, giluska’u
255 - Song #7 - Matthew Johnson –
300 - Song #8 - Matthew Johnson - boasting song for potlatch of Legaic’s tribe
Cylinder 14563
385 - Song #10 - Matthew Johnson - supernatural power song. Legaik, wiskani•st
475 - Song #11 - Matthew Johnson - dirge ni•s nawa• limkoi
530 - Song #12 - Matthew Johnson - dirge gispaxbts, gilutsa’u
588 - Song #13 - Matthew Johnson - dirge
Cylinder 14564
614 - Song #14 - Mrs. Marsden (sp.?) – wolf clan song of kitsees
665 - Song #15 - Mrs. Marsden - song belonging to the supernatural power name lugaxli’bam laxha belonging to ni•syagane•t
774 - Song #16 - Mrs. Marsden - ni•sgune (gitsecs) supernatural power song
825 - Song #17 - Mrs. Marsden – supernatural (naxnog) power song, house of welk

MOA Magazine, Issue 06, Fall 2018

This issue contains articles on current and upcoming exhibitions, Great Hall seismic upgrade renovations, Carol E. Mayer's trip to the island of Erub, volunteer Marcie Powell's work on textiles, contemporary art in the Multiversity Galleries, Debra Sparrow's weaving at the museum, the raising of a new Raven Pole at Wuikinuxv Village, the Volunteer Associates enrichment trip, the Native Youth Program, and an interview with Ann Stevenson, retiring Information Manager.

Anthony Carter fonds

  • 25
  • Fundo
  • [194-]-2018, predominant 1966-1979

The fonds consists of photographs, transparencies, negatives, prints, slides, textual records and objects. Contents of the fonds primarily reflect First Nations cultures in British Columbia between 1960 and 1980, including the Haida, Coast Salish (formerly Burrard Reserve), Kwakiutl (Kwakwaka'wakw), Gitsegukla and Ans'pa yaxw (Kispiox) nations. Notable First Nations personalities and artists documented include Chief Dan George, Gerry Marks, Henry Hunt and Norman Tait. Contents also include: B.C. landscapes such as Gwayasdums (Gilford Island), Klemtu, Mamalilikulla and Uchucklesaht; First Nations children; First Nations exhibits, totem poles and installations at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver and for the National Museum of Ethnology in Osaka, Japan. The original accession was arranged in series according to Carter's published works which focus on specific localities, communities, individuals and subject matter, with additional series related to Carter's photojournalistic work and personal recordkeeping added in 2019 when an accrual was made to the fonds.

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Selig and Gloria Kaplan fonds

  • 77
  • Fundo
  • Digitized 1998 - 2011 (originally created 1977 - 2011)

The fonds consists of photographs of Gloria Kaplan with various indigenous artists, whose names have been recorded in the image titles and IPTC metadata. The photographs were taken by Selig Kaplan with the intention of documenting the artists from whom the Kaplans acquired artwork or anticipated acquiring artwork from.

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Ewen MacLeod collection

  • 46
  • Colección
  • Digitized 2011 (originally created June 1927)

The collection consists of three photographs of St. George’s Residential School in Lytton, BC.

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