Affichage de 2144 résultats

description archivistique
First Nations
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21 June 1958 Alert Bay Centennial Celebrations
21 June 1958 Alert Bay Centennial Celebrations
21 June 1958 Alert Bay Centennial Celebrations
21 June 1958 Alert Bay Centennial Celebrations
21 June 1958 Alert Bay Centennial Celebrations
21 June 1958 Alert Bay Centennial Celebrations
21 June 1958 Alert Bay Centennial Celebrations
21 June 1958 Alert Bay Centennial Celebrations
21 June 1958 Alert Bay Centennial Celebrations
21 June 1958 Alert Bay Centennial Celebrations
21 June 1958 Alert Bay Centennial Celebrations
21 June 1958 Alert Bay Centennial Celebrations
21 June 1958 Alert Bay Centennial Celebrations
21 June 1958 Alert Bay Centennial Celebrations
Kissipimi Otunna (Tsuut'ina Nation Woman)
Kissipimi Otunna (Tsuut'ina Nation Woman)
Micakiu (and) Mucayiomoxin Otokeman, Tsuut'ina Nation Women
Micakiu (and) Mucayiomoxin Otokeman, Tsuut'ina Nation Women
A Stoney Nakoda First nation Encampment.
A Stoney Nakoda First nation Encampment.
Tall Man Sioux.
Tall Man Sioux.
First Nations Chiefs, British Columbia.
First Nations Chiefs, British Columbia.
First Nations Chiefs, North Vancouver, B.C.
First Nations Chiefs, North Vancouver, B.C.
Western Indigenous Family 508.
Western Indigenous Family 508.
The Medicine Man talks to the Chief of the Six Tribes
The Medicine Man talks to the Chief of the Six Tribes
Chief Moskowekam, Head of the Cree
Chief Moskowekam, Head of the Cree
File Hills Indian Colony Band
File Hills Indian Colony Band

Stoney Nakoda First Nation Encampment
500. Stoney Nakoda First Nation Encampment
A General Pow-Wow of the Chiefs in the Old Hudson's Bay Post.
A General Pow-Wow of the Chiefs in the Old Hudson's Bay Post.
Indigenous Peoples of the Tsuut'ina Nation
Indigenous Peoples of the Tsuut'ina Nation
Résultats 1 à 20 sur 2144