Jack Shadbolt and the Coastal Indian Image
- 28-02-SS
- Sub-séries
- 1986
Parte de David Cunningham fonds
Sem título
Jack Shadbolt and the Coastal Indian Image
Parte de David Cunningham fonds
Sem título
Parte de Marjorie Halpin (MOA Curator) fonds
Sub-series consists of records related to the 1986 exhibition on the art of Jack Shadbolt and includes textual records, photographs, slides, and one lecture tape. The textual records include grants and contracts, correspondence requesting loans of specific artwork for the exhibit, records relating to exhibit planning and compilation of the exhibit catalogue, exhibit reviews, a copy of the exhibit comment book, and interviews with Shadbolt. Also included are photographs of exhibit pieces.
The sub-series has been divided into three sub-sub-series:
Jack Shadbolt and the Coastal Indian image
Parte de William McLennan (MOA Curator) fonds
Subseries consists of images used in the booklet Jack Shadbolt and the Coastal Indian Image written by Marjorie M. Halpin as well as a copy of the booklet. In addition are photographs of Jack Shadbolt.
Parte de Hindaleah (Hindy) Ratner fonds
Shadbolt - background information
Jack Shadbolt and the Coastal Indian Image exhibit
Parte de William McLennan (MOA Curator) fonds
File contains images of the exhibit as well as images of Jack Shadbolt used in the exhibit.
Jack Shadbolt and the Coastal Indian Image
Parte de Herb Watson fonds
Parte de William McLennan (MOA Curator) fonds
File contains a book titled Jack Shadbolt and the Coastal Indian Image written by Marjorie Halpin and was published in the Museum Notes series as No. 18. In addition is the invitation to the opening event held at the Museum of Anthropology on June 17, 1986.
Jack Shadbolt and the Coastal Indian Image
Parte de Exhibit Comment Books and Guest Registers/Guest Books collection
File contains 1 comment book from the exhibition Jack Shadbolt and the Coastal Indian Image, June 17 – November 30, 1986
UBC Museum of Anthropology Report on Activities April 1, 1986 to March 31, 1987
The report outlines the museum's administrative activities and finances for the previous fiscal year as well as listing staff, attendance figures, acquisitions, exhibitions, educational activities, lectures, events, loans, research projects, publications of the museum and its staff, and media coverage of the museum. It includes descriptions of Expo 86 projects assisted by MOA staff, among other initiatives.
Parte de William McLennan (MOA Curator) fonds
File contains images used in the exhibition and book titled Jack Shadbolt: Coastal Indian Image.
Jack Shadbolt and the Coastal Indian Image