Item is a sound recording of Chief William Matthews of Massett, Haida Gwaii, British Columbia discussing various topics including: the formation of Native Brotherhood of British Columbia, which was established in 1931 and is recognized as Canada’s oldest active Native organization, and a senior BC fishing organization; proceeding years of the organization’s existence including who had governance in the organization, descriptions of various delegates, which villages were represented in the organization and the growth of the organization in subsequent years; personal stories about his family; history and social structure of the village he grew up in and of Haida peoples more broadly.
[rr_0024t1a] Item is a sound recording of Chief William Matthews of Masset, Haida Gwaii, British Columbia discussing Haida history. Topics include: the history of Haida villages, particularly the village of Masset; carver Robert Davidson who lived in Masset during his infancy; and traditional forms of fishing and agriculture.
[rr_0024t2a] Item is a sound recording of William Matthews discussing Haida history. Topics include: stories about fishing and hunting expeditions as a child; how he became involved in Council work in Masset; impact of the work done by Council on the village and improvements made; specific individuals involved in Council; differences in the approach between Council now and during his tenure; observations about life in Masset now and then.
This issue contains articles on current and upcoming exhibitions, the Great Hall seismic upgrades, the UBC President's Staff Award for Community Engagement recipient Salma Mawani, the beginning of a project to decolonize MOA's Africa collections, funding from Canadian Heritage's Museum Assistance Program, Playing with Fire: Ceramics of the Extraordinary, the history of the museum and the Hawthorns, fast fashion and sustainable textiles, highlights from the Multiversity Galleries, the return of a Haida mortuary pole, the Native Youth Program, the MOA shop, artist-in-residence Sharon Reay, and the MOA Director's Advisory Council.
Item is an audio recording of George Johnston (Tlingit name was Kaash KlaÕ) at age 80 singing and speaking in either Haida or Tlingit. He was a hunter, trapper, entrepreneur and photographer and was known for documenting his family life and the Yukon community of Teslin, where he lived. For biographical information see
File includes one drawing and three photographs of MOA Object ID A50000 a, b, c, and d which is a totem pole separated into four parts. The images depict the object in its original form prior to separation. The contents of this file were used to create object labels for MOA's Great Hall.
File includes ten photographs and one drawing of MOA Object ID A50002 a, b, and c which is a totem pole separated into three parts. The images depict the object in its original form prior to separation. The photographs are annotated with handwritten information about their original repositories. The contents of this file were used to create object labels for MOA's Great Hall.
File includes one drawing and three photographs of MOA Object ID A50001 which is a totem pole. The photographs are annotated with handwritten information about their original repositories. The contents of this file were used to create object labels for MOA's Great Hall.
File includes one drawing of MOA Object ID A50013 which is a house frontal totem pole. The contents of this file were used to create object labels for MOA's Great Hall.
File includes two photographs of MOA Object ID A50016 which is a house post. The photographs are annotated with handwritten information about their original repositories. The contents of this file were used to create object labels for MOA's Great Hall.
File includes one drawing and five photographs of MOA Object ID A50018 and other surrounding totem poles. The photographs are annotated with handwritten information about their original repositories. The contents of this file were used to create object labels for MOA's Great Hall.
File includes one photograph of MOA Object ID A6985 which is a totem pole. The contents of this file were used to create object labels for MOA's Great Hall.
File consists of photographic prints depicting Haida cultural objects from other institutions. Many of the prints are annotated with handwritten, stamped, or typed information about the contents of the images or their original repositories. The contents of this file were used to create object labels for MOA Object ID A50000 a, b, c, & d; A50001; A50002 a, b, & c; A50012; A50013; A50014 a & b; A50015 a & b; A50017; A50018; A50021; and A50045 in MOA's Great Hall.
File includes one photograph of MOA Object ID A9416 which is a bentwood chest. The contents of this file were used to create object labels for MOA's Great Hall.
File includes one drawing and one photograph of MOA Object ID A50012 which is a house frontal totem pole. The photograph is annotated with handwritten information about its originating repository. The contents of this file were used to create object labels for MOA's Great Hall.
File includes one drawing and five photographs of MOA Object ID A50014 a and b which are a house totem pole that has been separated into two parts. The images depict the object in its original form prior to separation. The photographs are annotated with handwritten and typed information about their original repositories. The contents of this file were used to create object labels for MOA's Great Hall.
File includes one photograph of MOA Object ID A7103 which is a bentwood chest. The contents of this file were used to create object labels for MOA's Great Hall.
File contains photocopied images of Haida and Nuxalk masks housed at the Pitt Rivers Museum. Other textual records include information on featured Northwest Coast masks and correspondence between McLennan and the museum. The photographs contain images of masks and other Northwest Coast artifacts such as hats, combs, and carvings housed at Pitt Rivers Museum.