File includes one drawing and three photographs of MOA Object ID A50000 a, b, c, and d which is a totem pole separated into four parts. The images depict the object in its original form prior to separation. The contents of this file were used to create object labels for MOA's Great Hall.
File includes ten photographs and one drawing of MOA Object ID A50002 a, b, and c which is a totem pole separated into three parts. The images depict the object in its original form prior to separation. The photographs are annotated with handwritten information about their original repositories. The contents of this file were used to create object labels for MOA's Great Hall.
Fonds consists of 45 glass-plate lantern slides featuring scenes from Osterhout's work with B.C. First Nations, including Haida, Tsimshian and Kwakwaka'wakw. Images document First Nations individuals, communities, totem poles and landscapes of British Columbia.
Image depicts canoes, house, house posts, and totem poles on a shoreline in Masset, Haida Gwaii, B. C. Handwritten inscription on the verso reads "This is a Indian Village in Masset B. C. at the turn of the century. As you can see there are a lot of wooden shacks, totem poles and canoes. it is a very wild and remote area [redacted]. grandfather Crosby used to travel to these remoat [sic] villages by canoe." Image appears to be reproduction of a039351.
Image depicts canoes, house, house posts, and totem poles on a shoreline in Masset, Haida Gwaii, B. C. Printed around the border of the image is the photographer information "PHOTOGRAPHED BY R. MAYNARD, VICTORIA, . . . B. C." Handwritten inscription on the border reads "Massett [sic] Village Q. Ch. Is." Printed on the verso is the photographer information with the inscription "R. Maynard, Photographic Artist, AND DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS, COR. OF DOUGLAS AND JOHNSON STS., VICTORIA, B. C. -- Views of British Columbia and Vancouver Island for Sale." A handwritten inscription reads "Indian Totems Queen Charlotte's Island".
Image depicts interior posts of the Grizzly Bear House, Masset, B. C. (same as in a039354). The posts are displayed with a Chilkat blanket, painted hat, and two daggers that probably belonged to Xa
Item is the first of a three part sound recording of an interview with Bill Reid about the origins of his carving The Raven and the First Men, located at MOA. The interviewer is unknown. During the interview Bill Reid discusses how the sculpture was the result of a highly collaborative process involving other artists, his impression of the location of the carving in MOA, and his working relationship with Walter C. Koerner who commissioned the sculpture. He lastly discusses his representation and interpretation of the Haida legend that the carving is based on. This recording is part of Celebration of the Raven which documented the creation of the Raven and the First Men Sculpture, its relocation to the Museum of Anthropology, and the unveiling by the Prince of Wales in 1982.
Item is an audio recording of Mrs. Gertrude Kelly providing Skidegate Haida translations of words to an interviewer, Randy Bouchard as part of the How to Write the Haida Language project. According to the recording, Mrs. Gertrude Kelly was formerly of Skidegate and at the time of the recording was living in Vancouver. Randy Bouchard co-founded the BC Indian Language Project in 1968 ( and is the author of numerous books pertaining to First Nations subject matter.
Item is a sound recording of Chief William Matthews of Massett, Haida Gwaii, British Columbia discussing various topics including: the formation of Native Brotherhood of British Columbia, which was established in 1931 and is recognized as Canada’s oldest active Native organization, and a senior BC fishing organization; proceeding years of the organization’s existence including who had governance in the organization, descriptions of various delegates, which villages were represented in the organization and the growth of the organization in subsequent years; personal stories about his family; history and social structure of the village he grew up in and of Haida peoples more broadly.
Artist Bill Reid discusses the Haida legend of the Raven and the First Men and his carving based on the legend which is on display at the UBC Museum of Anthropology.
Negatives show the carving of Bill Reid's Lootaas (Loo Taas) canoe, which was carved in 1984 at MOA for Expo '86. The canoe now resides at the Haida Heritage Centre.
See file 03 in this series for prints of these negatives.
File also includes Hilary's notes about and sketches of the canoe, newspaper clippings, and MOA/UBC press releases.
Photographs show the carving of Bill Reid's Lootaas (Loo Taas) canoe, which was carved in 1984 at MOA for Expo '86. The canoe now resides at the Haida Heritage Centre.
Note that accompanied photographs: "These are not Hilary Stewart photos - whose?" It is not clear who wrote this note. The negatives are in file 02 of this series.
View of the Great Hall from the O'Brian Gallery in the Museum of Anthropology. A carving of an ancestor figure is visible on the viewer's right and a model totem pole on the viewer's left.
Image of several house frontal totem poles at Ninstints on Anthony Island. The totem pole in the foreground is recognizable as one that was transferred to the Museum of Anthropology in 1954. While the others likely were as well, they are more difficult to identify.