Affichage de 767 résultats

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Moses Alfred and Harry Mountain
Moses Alfred and Harry Mountain
James Sewid and Arthur Alfred
James Sewid and Arthur Alfred
Miscellaneous totem pole images
Miscellaneous totem pole images
Tape for Mask Group, Anthropology 431
Tape for Mask Group, Anthropology 431
Axuw's Birthday
Axuw's Birthday
Axu Leading Potlatch Procession
Axu Leading Potlatch Procession
Axu 2003
Axu 2003
Dowry boards
Dowry boards
Axuw's Birthday
Axuw's Birthday
Jim Sewid, Daisy and Axu
Jim Sewid, Daisy and Axu
Canoe making: the Kwakiutl of Vancouver Island
Canoe making: the Kwakiutl of Vancouver Island
Margaret Alfred Funeral
Margaret Alfred Funeral
Axuw's Birthday
Axuw's Birthday
Flora and James Sewid
Flora and James Sewid
General Salish
General Salish
Village People
Village People
Photos of canoes
Photos of canoes
Résultats 1 à 20 sur 767