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Affichage de 2230 résultats

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Cultural groups Anglais
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1340 résultats avec objets numériques Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques

Haida history spoken by Chief William Matthews of Masset Part 1
Haida history spoken by Chief William Matthews of Masset Part 1
Haida Singing Reel No. 6
Haida Singing Reel No. 6
Haida history spoken by Chief William Matthews of Masset Part 2
Haida history spoken by Chief William Matthews of Masset Part 2
MOA Magazine, Issue 08, Fall 2019
MOA Magazine, Issue 08, Fall 2019
Traditional singing and storytelling by George Myers Part 2
Traditional singing and storytelling by George Myers Part 2
MOA Magazine, Issue 07, Spring 2019
MOA Magazine, Issue 07, Spring 2019
Audrey Hawthorn discusses the work of Mungo Martin
Audrey Hawthorn discusses the work of Mungo Martin
Teslin traditional storytelling and singing by George Johnson
Teslin traditional storytelling and singing by George Johnson
Tsimshian songs recorded by Dr. Viola Garfield
Tsimshian songs recorded by Dr. Viola Garfield
MOA Magazine, Issue 06, Fall 2018
MOA Magazine, Issue 06, Fall 2018
Heiltsuk language project MOU
Heiltsuk language project MOU
c̓əsnaʔəm: the city before the city
c̓əsnaʔəm: the city before the city
Recovering Voices Project, NMNH and NMAI
Recovering Voices Project, NMNH and NMAI
Heiltsuk/Enbridge [One Mind One Heart installation]
Heiltsuk/Enbridge [One Mind One Heart installation]
Photo consents - One Mind, One Heart installation
Photo consents - One Mind, One Heart installation
Cook and exploration
Cook and exploration
Project research
Project research
Tahltan correspondence [notes regarding Eva Karlick]
Tahltan correspondence [notes regarding Eva Karlick]
Tlingit Weaver [community consultations]
Tlingit Weaver [community consultations]
Tlingit Long-tail canoe
Tlingit Long-tail canoe
Résultats 1 à 20 sur 2230