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Affichage de 13497 résultats

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Out of the Silence
Out of the Silence
Whaling Canoe
Whaling Canoe
Split cedar plank
Split cedar plank
Cedar wood planks
Cedar wood planks
Longhouse with doorway
Longhouse with doorway
Two men standing in front of a longhouse
Two men standing in front of a longhouse
Jim M. Hart working on a sculpture
Jim M. Hart working on a sculpture
Jim M. Hart working on a sculpture
Jim M. Hart working on a sculpture
Jim M. Hart working on a sculpture
Jim M. Hart working on a sculpture
Jim M. Hart working on a sculpture
Jim M. Hart working on a sculpture
Jim Hart, Haida carver, working on a copy of an Old Masset pole
Jim Hart, Haida carver, working on a copy of an Old Masset pole
[Bill Reid carving Spirit of Haida Gwaii model]
[Bill Reid carving Spirit of Haida Gwaii model]
[Bill Reid carving Spirit of Haida Gwaii model]
[Bill Reid carving Spirit of Haida Gwaii model]
[Bill Reid carving Spirit of Haida Gwaii model]
[Bill Reid carving Spirit of Haida Gwaii model]
Bill Reid with Raven in MOA Rotunda
Bill Reid with Raven in MOA Rotunda
Bill Reid with Raven in MOA Rotunda
Bill Reid with Raven in MOA Rotunda
Bill Reid with Raven in MOA Rotunda
Bill Reid with Raven in MOA Rotunda
Bill Reid with Raven in MOA Rotunda
Bill Reid with Raven in MOA Rotunda
Bill Reid with Raven in MOA Rotunda
Bill Reid with Raven in MOA Rotunda
Bill Reid with Raven in MOA Rotunda
Bill Reid with Raven in MOA Rotunda
Résultats 1 à 20 sur 13497