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Elizabeth Lominska Johnson
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My Ancestors are still Dancing

Subseries consists of records relating to the exhibit “My Ancestors are Still Dancing” at MOA. As part of a “living” exhibition, Tsimshian weaver William White from Lax Kw’alaams was commissioned to publicly weave a child-size robe in Gallery 8. The exhibit displayed William White’s weavings, historical weavings from MOA’s collection, and historical and contemporary photographs of people wearing Chilkat regalia. The exhibit was installed in 2001 and ran through until September 28, 2002. Records include acquisition/artifact lists, artist biography, budget, correspondence, exhibit labels, exhibit proposals, exhibit panel layouts, exhibit resource binders, grant applications, internal forms (consent forms), installation diagrams, map, meeting agendas memoranda, notes, object records, photographs and slides, photocopies of photographs, professional guidelines, reports, schedules, recorded audio research interviews, transcripts of research interviews, travelling exhibit, and visitor comments.

Elizabeth Lominska Johnson

Musqueam Heritage Awareness Program

Series consists of records relating to Elizabeth Johnson’s activities in coordinating the Musqueam Heritage Awareness Program. Records include participant’s contact information, progress, and resumes, training program, feedback, training plan, correspondence, memoranda, phone messages, diary, and a card.

Elizabeth Lominska Johnson

Wearing Politics

Subseries consists of notes pertaining to the exhibit “Wearing Politics, Fashioning Commemoration: Factory Printed Cloths of Ghana”. This was a student exhibit by Michelle Willard. The exhibit was coordinated by Elizabeth Johnson. This exhibit was installed at MOA in February 2004.

Elizabeth Lominska Johnson


Series consists of records relating to Elizabeth Johnson’s activities with the Classification Subgroup of CFI, Collections Access Group. Records include correspondence, memoranda, meeting minutes, preliminary decisions, reports, work summaries, Aboriginal Research Ethics Workshop: Research, Respect, Reciprocity, community consultation, principles to establish partnerships between First Peoples and Canadian Museums, principles of collection access, visible storage, exhibit ideas, terms of reference, Clothing and Textile Collection reports, and culturally sensitive objects identification list.

Elizabeth Lominska Johnson

Repatriation Panels

Subseries consists of records pertaining to the “Repatriation Panels” exhibit installed at the MOA. The text panels present issues concerning repatriation and First Nations history under colonialism. Subseries contains handwritten notes, memoranda, exhibit panel drafts, reports, exhibit proposal, a brochure, a recommended readings list, drafts, photocopies of newspaper articles, correspondence, exhibit statement drafts, minutes, photocopied images, and an annotated bibliography.

Elizabeth Lominska Johnson

Grant applications

Series consists of records relating to Elizabeth Johnson’s activities to obtain grant funding for a book on Salish weaving, research for monograph of preservation on Cantonese opera in Canada, Hakka urban village research, and collections documentation and research. Records include research and publication grant applications and reports, grant budgets, Salish weaving book, Cantonese Opera research, correspondence, and memoranda.

Elizabeth Lominska Johnson

Nunavutmiutanik Elisasiniq

Subseries consists of a newsletter pertaining to the exhibit “Nunavutmiutanik Elisasiniq.” This exhibit was installed at the MOA from April - September 1999. This exhibition honours the people of Nunavut, and features more than one hundred examples of contemporary and historic sculptures, prints, and drawings.

Elizabeth Lominska Johnson

Shuswap travelling exhibit and British Columbia Museums Association

Series consists of records relating to Elizabeth Johnson’s attendance at the British Columbia Museums Association (B.C.M.A.) Seminar and her inquiries to receive on loan the Shuswap travelling exhibit. Records contain phone messages, memoranda, Shuswap Declaration copy, Shuswap travelling display materials list, correspondence, B.C.M.A. Cultural Centres contact lists, and B.C.M.A. Seminar on Cultural Centres.

Elizabeth Lominska Johnson

Gallery 3

Subseries consists of a memo to Elizabeth Johnson relating to the planning of a future exhibit in Gallery 3 which would show the relationship between MOA and leading NWC artists of the last century. Also included are lists of artists and relevant objects from the Museum of Anthology’s collections, which were considered for inclusion in the exhibit.

Elizabeth Lominska Johnson

Honouring Master Wong Toa [Restricted]

Subseries consists of photographs from the event ‘Honouring Master Wong Toa’ which was held at the Museum of Anthropology (MOA), the Asian Library and Asian Centre and St. John’s College. The photographs were taken by Hayne Wai from the Chinese Canadian Historical Society. Subseries also contain the agenda for the event.

Elizabeth Lominska Johnson

Chinese Peasant Textiles Art: Kwantung and Szechuan Provinces

Subseries consists of records relating to the exhibit, “Chinese Peasant Textiles Art.” This exhibit was proposed by Elizabeth Johnson and carried out by students. Records include notes, excerpts from articles, visitor survey forms, handwritten notations, hand-drawn diagrams of display cases, proposals and budgets.

Elizabeth Lominska Johnson


Subseries consists of various photographs collected by Elizabeth Johnson during her tenure at the Museum of Anthropology. The records document various staff members from the museum as well as unidentified activities with the collection and the community. The records included in this series are composed of photographs.

Elizabeth Lominska Johnson

The Unity Quilt

Subseries consists of records relating to the exhibit, The Unity Quilt. Elizabeth Johnson was coordinator and co-curator with Ellen Antoine of the Indian Homemakers of BC. This exhibit focused on work made by participants in the Traditional Parenting Skills Program of the Indian Homemakers’ Association of B.C. Records include: correspondence, MOA exhibit proposal form (blank), exhibit labels, memos, notes, press release, photographs, negatives, slides, and participant statements.

Elizabeth Lominska Johnson

Photos for publication

Subseries consists of records relating to various images used by Elizabeth Johnson in publications. In particular the records focus on images relating to the Jin Wah Sing Musical Association and the Cantonese opera as well as images relating to the Indian Homemakers exhibition. The records included in this series are composed of correspondence photographs, slides and two CD-Rs.

Elizabeth Lominska Johnson

A Rare Flower: A Century of Cantonese Opera in Canada

Subseries consists of records relating to the 1993 exhibit, "A Rare Flower: A Century of Cantonese Opera in Canada." The exhibit began with an acquisition of historic Chinese Opera costumes from the Jin Wah Sin Music Society. The exhibit was first installed at MOA from May 16 to Nov. 7 1992, in Gallery 5. Elizabeth Johnson was both curator and coordinator. It was also a travelling exhibit with five other venues in Canada. It reopened in MOA in 1995, and later travelled to the McCord Museum. Aspects of the exhibit have been on display at numerous venues, including Hong Kong and Ghuangzhou in a panel exhibit. Subseries contains agendas, articles, artifact lists, books, business cards, agreements, correspondence, drawings, evaluations, exhibit labels, expenses, internal forms (exhibit proposal forms), financial records, guidelines, grant applications, memoranda, minutes of meetings, museum exhibit diagrams, permission forms, photographs, notes, plans, policies, press releases, proposals, publications (books and magazines), publicity records, receipts, reports, reproductions of newspaper ads and articles, research notes, schedules, slides, speaking notes, surveys, transcripts of research interviews, handbills, drafts, visitor surveys and videos.

Elizabeth Lominska Johnson

Miscellaneous teaching material

Subseries consists of a handmade, laminated booklet about the preservation and display of textiles. The book was made by Elisa Dubuc while she was an intern at MOA. The book was created to introduce visitors to the textile collection.

Elizabeth Lominska Johnson

Hands of Our Ancestors: The Revival of Salish Weaving at Musqueam

Subseries consists of records relating to the exhibit, "Hands of Our Ancestors: The Revival of Salish Weaving at Musqueam," which was installed at MOA from January 28 to July 20, 1986. The exhibit was co-curated by Wendy Grant and Debra Sparrow of the Musqueam Weavers, and Elizabeth Johnson of MOA. Subseries contains agreements, attendance figures, budgets, brochure, comment book (copy), contact lists, correspondence, curators’ statement, draft text for catalogue, ethical review application, exhibit layout diagrams, grant applications, memos, newspaper articles, notes, photographs, slides, published articles, receipts, research paper, speaking notes, transcripts of research interviews, schedules, and audio-taped interviews.

Elizabeth Lominska Johnson

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