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Elizabeth Lominska Johnson
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Jin Wah Sing Musical Association

Subseries consists of records relating to the Jin Wah Sing Musical Association with a particular focus on the receipt of the B.C. Museums Association’s Award of Merit for 1994 and funding information. The records in this subseries consist of correspondence, notes, documents relating to museum objects acquisitions, and Cantonese Opera brochure.

Elizabeth Lominska Johnson

Special projects and events

Series consists of records relating to special projects and events hosted by or produced in whole or in part by the Museum of Anthropology. Also included are records pertaining to special projects and events coordinated, proposed and/or chaired by Elizabeth Johnson. Records include memoranda, minutes, correspondence, request for funds, address lists, handwritten notes, a press release, donor proposal, budgets, object lists, invitation cards, business cards, photocopies of business cards, a photocopy of a newspaper article, draft reports, itineraries, financial records, maps, photographs, slides, oversized posters, audio cassettes, two CD-Rs and a condition report.

The series is arranged into the following subseries:
Subseries A. Ming Pau
Subseries B. V.A.G. Delegation
Subseries C. Fiftieth Anniversary
Subseries D. Canadian Museums Association
Subseries E. Convergence 2002
Subseries F. Wong Toa Anniversary exhibit
Subseries G. Jin Wah Sing Musical Association
Subseries H. Cantonese Opera
Subseries I. Opera in the Museum book proposal
Subseries J. Collaborative process
Subseries K. Delegations
Subseries L. Photos for publication
Subseries M: Photos
Subseries N: Honouring Master Wong Toa [Restricted]
Subseries O: Costume source book
Subseries P: Shuswap travelling display
Subseries Q: Grant applications
Subseries R: CFI
Subseries S: Musqueam Heritage Awareness Program

Elizabeth Lominska Johnson

Proposed Exhibits

Series consists of records relating to proposals for development of exhibits at MOA which did not result in completed exhibitions. The series includes memoranda, correspondences, notes, proposals, budgets, interview transcripts and photographs.

The series is arranged into the following sub-series:

Subseries A: Exhibit Cultural Property
Subseries B: Mah [Unbound Lives: Chinese Women’s Dress in the Twentieth Century Exhibit Proposal
Subseries C: Textile Exhibit
Subseries D: Exhibit Ideas
Subseries E: Textile Access Project
Subseries F: Door Gods
Subseries G: Mayan Project
Subseries H: Gu Xiong
Subseries I: Grace Young
Subseries J: Ulli Steltzer Photograph Exhibit

Elizabeth Lominska Johnson

Mayan Project

The material in this subseries relates to a proposed exhibition on the Mayan civilization. Much of the material here focuses on the subject of the commission of various textiles from Guatemala for the exhibition. The subseries also includes materials related to events which occurred peripherally to the development of the exhibit, in particular a file which focuses on ‘Maiwa’ a conference which took place in 2004 and the records of a Mayan Cultural evening hosted by the Museum of Anthropology in 2002 which involved many of the same people who played a part in the process of the textile commission. The records in this subseries are comprised of correspondence, notes, financial records, including budgets and receipts, schedules, minutes, contracts, grant applications, documents relating to museum objects acquisitions, agendas, interview transcripts, drawings and ephemera.

Elizabeth Lominska Johnson

Honouring Master Wong Toa [Restricted]

Subseries consists of photographs from the event ‘Honouring Master Wong Toa’ which was held at the Museum of Anthropology (MOA), the Asian Library and Asian Centre and St. John’s College. The photographs were taken by Hayne Wai from the Chinese Canadian Historical Society. Subseries also contain the agenda for the event.

Elizabeth Lominska Johnson

Programme communication and flights

Subseries consists of records relating to a work shop for curators of Korean art. This work shop was held in Seoul, Korea and the consequently elements of this file relate to travel arrangements. Records in this series are comprised of correspondence and notes.

Elizabeth Lominska Johnson

Chinese painting course

Subseries consists of records relating to the course on Chinese Painting taught by Elizabeth Johnson for the department of Art History at the University of British Columbia. The records in this subseries include notes, memoranda, exhibit proposals, correspondence, and annotated essays.

Elizabeth Lominska Johnson

Opera in the Museum book proposal

Subseries consists of records relating to a proposal for a book by Johnson to be called Opera In the Museum. Included in this series is a proposal.

Elizabeth Lominska Johnson

Academic materials

Series consists of records pertaining to Elizabeth Johnson’s teaching activities. The records relate both to courses which Johnson taught and notes on guest lectures that Johnson gave for classes at the University of British Columbia. Records include correspondence, notes, reports, syllabi, funding applications, memoranda, bibliographies and grading sheets.

The series is arranged into the following sub-series:
Subseries A: A431
Subseries B: Programme communication and flights
Subseries C: Lecture notes Cantonese Opera
Subseries D: Special sessions
Subseries E: A341
Subseries F: Chinese painting course
Subseries G: MOA volunteer training
Subseries H: Papers and publications
Subseries I: Presentations and conferences
Subseries J: A302
Subseries K: Miscellaneous teaching material

Elizabeth Lominska Johnson

Elizabeth Johnson fonds

  • 21
  • Fonds
  • 1980 - 2006

The records in this fonds were created and received in the course of Elizabeth Johnson’s tenure at the Museum of Anthropology. The records relate to activities Johnson was involved in through her various positions at the Museum, including: involvement with exhibitions, collections, the museums relations with the community and various community events sponsored by the museum, teaching and various administrative activities. The fonds consists of agendas, agreements, articles, artifact lists, attendance figures, biographies, books, business cards, budgets, calendar of events, catalogue drafts, comment books, conference schedule, consent forms, contract lists, correspondence, course descriptions, curators statement, declaration, diagram, drawings, evaluations, exhibit labels, expenses, internal forms (exhibit proposal forms), financial records, flyers, final reports, guidelines, grant applications, invitations, lecture notes, memoranda, minutes of meetings, museum exhibit diagrams, notes, permission forms, photographs, photograph labels, posters, plans, policies, press releases, proposals, publications (books), publicity records, receipts, reports, reproductions of newspaper ads and articles, research notes, revisions, schedules, slide list, slides, speaking notes, student papers, surveys, syllabi, teaching notes, transcripts of research interviews, audio cassettes of interviews, translations, visitor surveys and comments, and videos.

The fonds is arranged in the following series:

  1. Proposed Exhibits
  2. Exhibits
  3. Collections
  4. Special projects and events series
  5. Correspondence series
  6. Museum education series
  7. Administrative series
  8. Academic materials

See attached pdf document for description of series and file lists.

Elizabeth Lominska Johnson

Cantonese Opera

Subseries consists of records relating to various aspects of the Cantonese opera in Vancouver including, photo permissions, questions surrounding documentation, and seminars. Records relate to the Hong Kong Cantonese Opera Troupe performance hosted by the Museum of Anthropology. The records in this file consist of photographs, correspondence, notes, agreements, business card, programmes, signage, object list, work plan, presentation, contact list, notebooks, oversized posters, and ephemera.

Elizabeth Lominska Johnson


Subseries consists of records relating to various delegations from international museums with the intent of examining and learning from MOA’s practices. The records included in this series are composed of correspondence and notes.

Elizabeth Lominska Johnson


Series consists of records relating to Elizabeth Johnson's curatorial activities regarding curation (intellectual creation) and coordination (administrative project management) of exhibits hosted by and produced in whole or in part by the Museum of Anthropology, including writing exhibit catalogues. The series consists of agendas, agreements, articles, artifact and acquisition lists, artist biography, attendance figures, books, brochure, business cards, budgets, catalogue drafts, comment book, contract lists, correspondence, curators statement, diagrams, drawings, evaluations, exhibit labels, exhibit proposals, exhibit panel layouts, exhibit resource binders, expenses, installation diagrams, internal forms (consent forms and exhibit proposal forms), financial records, flyer final report, guidelines, grant applications, invitations, map, memoranda, minutes of meetings, museum exhibit diagrams, notes, object records, permission forms, photographs, photograph labels, photocopies of photographs, plans, policies, press releases, professional guidelines, proposals, publications (books), publicity records, published articles, receipts, reports, reproductions of newspaper ads and articles, research notes, research papers, revisions, schedules, slide list, slides, speaking notes, student papers, surveys, transcripts of research interviews, translations, travelling exhibit, visitor comments, visitor surveys, and videos.

The series is arranged into the following sub-series, based on specific exhibitions:
Subseries A: The Spirit of Tibet
Subseries B: Festival Hong Kong Exhibits: Contrasts and Possessions
Subseries C: Translations of Traditions
Subseries D: Repair, Re-use and Recycle
Subseries E: Open House, 1987
Subseries F: Quilting in East Asia
Subseries G: Records of the Krista Point Exhibit in the Great Hall
Subseries H: A Family Affair
Subseries I: Ancient Cloth … Ancient Code?
Subseries J: Proud to be Musqueam
Subseries K: Hands of Our Ancestors
Subseries L: A Rare Flower
Subseries M: Unity Quilt
Subseries N: Chinese Peasant Textiles Art: Kwantung and Szechuan Provinces
Subseries O: Gallery 3
Subseries P: Nunavutmiutanik Elisasiniq
Subseries Q: Repatriation Panels
Subseries R: Wearing Politics
Subseries S: What is Canadian cultural property?
Subseries T: My Ancestors are still Dancing
Subseries U: Gathering Strength exhibit: Musqueam Weavers

Elizabeth Lominska Johnson


Series consists of records created, received, and or used by Elizabeth Johnson for collections management at the Museum of Anthropology. Records include Anthropology 431 syllabus, area committee records, articles, budgets, cataloguing procedures, committee records, correspondence, draft guidelines, draft policies and procedures, ethnology collection storage statistics, job description, job posting, insurance, loan forms, memoranda, minutes, notes, object lists, photographs, professional guidelines, project overviews, reports, research notes, surveys, transcripts of research interviews, workshop outlines, and administrative and financial records.

The series is arranged into the following subseries:
Subseries A: Collections’ administrative and operational files
Subseries B: Textile collections’ records
Subseries C: VA projects
Subseries D: Francis Williams Project
Subseries E: Provenancial Inquires

Elizabeth Lominska Johnson

Textile Collections’ Management Records

Subseries consists of records pertaining to the management of the textiles collections held at the Museum of Anthropology. Areas of focus include records on conservation, storage, and display of textiles. Records include: correspondence, drafts of reports, reports, roll checking reports, notes, visible storage diagrams, drafts of procedures, textiles lists, budgets, textile project update report, invoices, membership lists, business cards, schedules of events, clothing and textile reports, vendor product brochures and lists, textile conservation workshop evaluations, applications for funding, textile conservation workshop programme records, invitation cards, a textile conservation portfolio, Textile Committee records, storage plans, conservation assessment reports, a proposal for a textile storage system, object descriptions, material samples, requisition forms, textile research project questionnaires, receipts, Clothing and Textile Collection history, flyer, recommendations, newspaper article, course list, grant applications, grant guidelines, assessments, brochure, notes, and meeting transcript.

Elizabeth Lominska Johnson

Francis Williams Project

Subseries consist of records relating to the acquisition of photographs by, or of the Haida artist Francis Williams. Records include correspondence and notes.

Elizabeth Lominska Johnson

Assistants and associates

Subseries consists of records relating to various researchers, assistants and other temporary employees under Elizabeth Johnson’s charge. Records in the series include notes, correspondence and contracts.

Elizabeth Lominska Johnson

Wearing Politics

Subseries consists of notes pertaining to the exhibit “Wearing Politics, Fashioning Commemoration: Factory Printed Cloths of Ghana”. This was a student exhibit by Michelle Willard. The exhibit was coordinated by Elizabeth Johnson. This exhibit was installed at MOA in February 2004.

Elizabeth Lominska Johnson

Grace Young

Subseries consists of one file relating to an exhibition, proposed by Grace Young to Elizabeth Johnson, on the subject of the wok. The subseries includes a drafted exhibition proposal, correspondence, printed images, magazine and newspaper clippings, notes and extracts from Young’s book The Breath of the Wok.

Elizabeth Lominska Johnson

Collections’ administrative and operational files

Subseries consists of records pertaining to collections’ administrative and operational functions, and to committees associated with the acquisition and collection of materials and artifacts. Records include acquisition guidelines drafts, acquisition policy memoranda, acquisitions professional guidelines policy, Anthropology 431 syllabus, area committee records, articles, budgets, cataloguing procedures, collections policy drafts, collections procedures, collections reports, collections surveys, condition reports, correspondence, deaccessioning policy draft, draft guidelines, draft code of ethics, draft policies, ethnology collection storage statistics, executive committee records, job description, job posting, insurance, loan forms, memoranda, minutes, notes, object lists, professional guidelines, project overviews, research notes, transcripts of research interviews, and workshop for curators outline.

Elizabeth Lominska Johnson

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