Showing 55 results
Archival description“This Is Not an Exhibit” multi-media materials
“This Is Not an Exhibit” multi-media materials
Anne-Marie Fenger photographs
Anne-Marie Fenger photographs
APEC 1997 Results Report (English)
APEC 1997 Results Report (English)
APEC 1997 Results Report (French)
APEC 1997 Results Report (French)
APEC artifacts
APEC artifacts
APEC audio recordings
APEC audio recordings
APEC delegate bag
APEC delegate bag
APEC Economic Leaders Declaration (English)
APEC Economic Leaders Declaration (English)
APEC hand-rendered protest posters and banners
APEC hand-rendered protest posters and banners
APEC lighting plot for Great Hall
APEC lighting plot for Great Hall
APEC materials from other sources
APEC materials from other sources
APEC oversized posters and banners
APEC oversized posters and banners
APEC photographs
APEC photographs
APEC printed posters and signs
APEC printed posters and signs
APEC suit
APEC suit
APEC textual records
APEC textual records
APEC travel mug
APEC travel mug
APEC Volunteer Handbook
APEC Volunteer Handbook
Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) collection
Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) collection
Canada Hosts APEC in 1997
Canada Hosts APEC in 1997
Results 1 to 20 of 55