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archivistische beschrijving
Jack Shadbolt and the Coastal Indian Image
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Jack Shadbolt and the Coastal Indian image
Jack Shadbolt and the Coastal Indian image
Exhibit photographs
Exhibit photographs
Jack Shadbolt and the Coastal Indian Image
Jack Shadbolt and the Coastal Indian Image
Jack Shadbolt Opening
Jack Shadbolt Opening
Shadbolt and the Coastal
Shadbolt and the Coastal
Jack Shadbolt
Jack Shadbolt
Jack Shadbolt and the Coastal Indian Image
Jack Shadbolt and the Coastal Indian Image
Shadbolt exhibit
Shadbolt exhibit
Jack Shadbolt and the Coastal Indian Image
Jack Shadbolt and the Coastal Indian Image
UBC Museum of Anthropology Report on Activities April 1, 1986 to March 31, 1987
UBC Museum of Anthropology Report on Activities April 1, 1986 to March 31, 1987
Jack Shadbolt and the Coastal Indian Image
Jack Shadbolt and the Coastal Indian Image
Jack Shadbolt and the Coastal Indian Image exhibit
Jack Shadbolt and the Coastal Indian Image exhibit
Shadbolt exhibit publicity
Shadbolt exhibit publicity
Shadbolt - background information
Shadbolt - background information