Written in the Earth: Coast Salish Art



Nota(s) sobre el alcance

  • Fall 1995 - December 31, 1997
  • Northwest Coast art motifs, carving styles and principles of design have ancient roots dating back 3,500 years. The exhibit presents examples of antler, stone and wood carvings from archaeological sites in Coast Salish territory on the south coast of BC. Comtemporary Coast Salish art is the living legacy of this ancient art tradition as shown by the work of contemporary Musqueam, Sto:lo, and Saanich artist featured. This exhibition offers both an archaeological and First Nations perspective on the significance of these heritage objects such as the blue heron figure and atlatl shown here.

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Written in the Earth: Coast Salish Art

Término General Museum exhibitions

Written in the Earth: Coast Salish Art

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Written in the Earth: Coast Salish Art

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Written in the Earth: Coast Salish Art

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Series contains photographs taken by Cunningham of the inside and outside of the building, exhibit cases, exhibit spaces, and other institutions.

Written in the Earth: Coast Salish Art

This exhibit presents examples of antler, stone and wood carvings from archaeological sites in Coast Salish territory on the south coast of BC, as well as contemporary works by First Nations artists.