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MOA General Media collection Engels
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MOA General Media collection

  • 132
  • Collectie
  • [1870] - [2000]

Collection consists of the media -including photographs, sound recordings, and video recordings - that is about, by, or related to the Museum of Anthropology (MOA) and its collections. Media can be found in many collections and fonds in the MOA Archives; the media in this General Media collection are those that do not belong to a more specific archival collection, usually because their provenance is not known.

The collection is divided into three series based on media type:

  1. Photographs
  2. Video recordings
  3. Sound recordings

Lecture by Dr. Wayne Suttles

Item is an audio recording of a lecture by the American anthropologist and linguist Dr. Wayne Suttles. The recording is Lecture #2 in the University of British Columbia's Center for Continuing Education Lecture Series on Traditions of North West Coast Indian Culture. Note that mp3 file is only 1 minute in length.

Interview with Bill Reid about Celebration of the Raven Part 2

Item is the second of a three part sound recording of an interview with Bill Reid about the origins of his carving The Raven and the First Men, located at MOA. The interviewer is unknown. During the interview he discusses how the sculpture was the result of a highly collaborative process involving other artists, his impression of the location of the carving in MOA, and his working relationship with Walter C. Koerner who commissioned the sculpture. He lastly discusses his representation and interpreation of the Haida legend that the carving is based on. This recording is part of Celebration of the Raven which documented the creation of the Raven and the First Men Sculpture, its relocation to the Museum of Anthropology, and the unveiling by the Prince of Wales in 1982.

Interview with Bill Reid about Celebration of the Raven Part 1

Item is the first of a three part sound recording of an interview with Bill Reid about the origins of his carving The Raven and the First Men, located at MOA. The interviewer is unknown. During the interview Bill Reid discusses how the sculpture was the result of a highly collaborative process involving other artists, his impression of the location of the carving in MOA, and his working relationship with Walter C. Koerner who commissioned the sculpture. He lastly discusses his representation and interpretation of the Haida legend that the carving is based on. This recording is part of Celebration of the Raven which documented the creation of the Raven and the First Men Sculpture, its relocation to the Museum of Anthropology, and the unveiling by the Prince of Wales in 1982.

Examples from How to Write the Haida Language

Item is an audio recording of Mrs. Gertrude Kelly providing Skidegate Haida translations of words to an interviewer, Randy Bouchard as part of the How to Write the Haida Language project. According to the recording, Mrs. Gertrude Kelly was formerly of Skidegate and at the time of the recording was living in Vancouver. Randy Bouchard co-founded the BC Indian Language Project in 1968 ( and is the author of numerous books pertaining to First Nations subject matter.

Examples from How to Write the Bella Coola Language

Item is an audio recording of Mrs. Marget Siwallace providing Nuxalk translations of words to an interviewer, Randy Bouchard as part of the How to Write the Haida Language project. According to the recording, Mrs. Marget Siwallace, age 62, was formerly of Kimsquit and at the time of the recording was living in Bella Coola. She is featured in the book Bella Coola: Life in the Heart of the Coast Mountains by Hans Granander. Randy Bouchard co-founded the BC Indian Language Project in 1968 ( and is the author of numerous books on First Nations subject matter.

Haida history spoken by Chief William Matthews of Masset Part 1

Item is a sound recording of Chief William Matthews of Massett, Haida Gwaii, British Columbia discussing various topics including: the formation of Native Brotherhood of British Columbia, which was established in 1931 and is recognized as Canada’s oldest active Native organization, and a senior BC fishing organization; proceeding years of the organization’s existence including who had governance in the organization, descriptions of various delegates, which villages were represented in the organization and the growth of the organization in subsequent years; personal stories about his family; history and social structure of the village he grew up in and of Haida peoples more broadly.

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