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archivistische beschrijving
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11959 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects

Group of Indians belonging to the Kwawkewlth Agency, B. C.
Group of Indians belonging to the Kwawkewlth Agency, B. C.
Methodist church, Chilliwack Valley, B. C.
Methodist church, Chilliwack Valley, B. C.
Skowkale Church, Chilliwack Valley, B. C.
Skowkale Church, Chilliwack Valley, B. C.
Captain John Shawalas
Captain John Shawalas
David Sallosalton
David Sallosalton
The indian mission church and house, Nanaimo
The indian mission church and house, Nanaimo
Indian conjurer at Hazelton, B. C.
Indian conjurer at Hazelton, B. C.
Rev Thomas Crosby
Rev Thomas Crosby
Fraser River salmon
Fraser River salmon
Methodist church and mission-house, Skidegate
Methodist church and mission-house, Skidegate
Grizzly Bear House interior posts
Grizzly Bear House interior posts
Charles Edenshaw in prov. museum
Charles Edenshaw in prov. museum
Charles Edenshaw in prov. museum
Charles Edenshaw in prov. museum
Totem poles at Massett
Totem poles at Massett
Artifacts: mask, argillite, mauls
Artifacts: mask, argillite, mauls
Victoria Square, Montreal
Victoria Square, Montreal
Oolachan fishing, Nass River
Oolachan fishing, Nass River
Methodist mission, Laxgalts'ap (Greenville), B. C.
Methodist mission, Laxgalts'ap (Greenville), B. C.
Mission, Lax-Kw'alaams (Port Simpson), B. C.
Mission, Lax-Kw'alaams (Port Simpson), B. C.
Resultaten 1 tot 20 van 13838