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Norman Tait
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Taped interviews

Interviewees include:
Jim Hart (2 tapes)
Dorothy Grant
Terry Starr
Susan Point (re: [Time])
Norman Tait
Alexander Peters
Rita Barnes (re: feast dishes MOA's Great Hall, 2 Dec. 2002)
Glen Tallio
Robert Davidson
Dempsey Bob (2 tapes)
William White (2 tapes)
Doreen Jensen
Richard Sumner (28 January 1997)
David Gladstone
Tim Paul
Richard Hunt (re: Shark mask)
Cryl Carpenter
Russell Smith
Bill Reid
Leona Sparrow
Alfred Scow

Norman Tait's family

Norman Tait stands at the center with Rob't Tait behind him, Mercy holding an umbrella on one side and Sadie Tait on the other side. Unidentified guests appear at the left side of image.

Tait family members

Image features Mercy in conversation with a family member. Sadie Tait can be seen in the background to the left.

Tait family

From left to right Sadie, Josiah, Mercy, Norman, Rob't, Ron, Wayne, and Isaac are pictured here standing in front of the canoe log.

Squirrel Dance

Image features Norman performing his squirrel dance on top of the canoe log. A family member wearing a button blanket with his back to the camera is beating a skin drum.

Squirrel Dance

A Tait family member wearing a button blanket watches Norman perform his squirrel dance on top of canoe log.

Squirrel Dance

A Tait family member wearing a button blanket watches Norman crouched on top of canoe log performing his squirrel dance.

Mercy blesses the canoe log

Image features Mercy with her hand on the canoe log blessing it while Norman stands by her side and Sadie Tait can be seen at the far right.

Mercy blesses the canoe log

Image features Mercy with her hand on the canoe log blessing it and addressing the crowd of gathered spectators while Norman stands by her side.

Squirrel Dance

Image is of Josiah and Mercy watching Norman perform his squirrel dance on top of the canoe log.

Squirrel Dance

Image is of Tait family members wearing button blankets and beating skin drums while Norman performs his squirrel dance on top of the canoe log.

Mercy, Norman, and Joe David

Image is of Norman in conversation with Mercy, who is holding an umbrella. Standing beside them is Joe David with his back to the camera and looking down at his daughter.

Tait and David families

The image is of Norman Tait and two of his sons on the left side of image and Joe David with his daughter tucked under his button blanket to the right side. The little girl clutching a small item is the only one facing the camera while the others are all looking away.

Squirrel Dance and Paddles

Norman as he performs his squirrel dance on top of the canoe log. A set of paddles can be seen set against the canoe log. At the right of the image, a Tait family member is holding a skin drum with his back to the camera.

Squirrel Dance

Image is of Tait family members, Mercy and Josiah wearing button blankets and watching Norman as he performs his squirrel dance on top of the canoe log.

Results 1 to 20 of 2293