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Affichage de 30209 résultats

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13497 résultats avec objets numériques Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques

Photo of two women posing

Item is a photo of two women posing outdoors. Next to them and in the background are villagers, a building, a horse and mountains.

Village Children

Item is a negative showing children posing outdoors in front of a building.


Item is a negative showing a valley. It appears to be taken from a window as it is framed at the sides and top.

Village Women and Children

Item is a negative of women and children posing outdoors; buildings and mountains appear in the background.

Nuu-chah-nulth headdresses

Photograph of two Nuu-chah-nulth headdresses. These headdresses were brought by Annie Tlehwituu-a as thuch-haamis from the Yuuthluu-ilthat-h to Kwitchiiniom at the time of their marriage. One of the headdresses was purchased by John Hauberg of Seattle, a major benefactor of the Seattle Museum of Art.

Man driving a motorcar decorated for a parade

Image of a car in an unidentified parade. This image may have been taken during the same parade in which a photograph of Chief Dan Watts holding a placard saying “we are the real native sons of Canada” was taken. This image can be found at the Alberni Valley Museum, PN01873.

Résultats 61 à 80 sur 30209