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13497 resultados con objetos digitales Muestra los resultados con objetos digitales

Photos, interviews, and PR

Fishery photos, interview consent forms, interview transcript, exhibit press release, and correspondence

Tahltan application to MAP

Application for funding from the Museum Assistance Programme for Tahltan exhibit collaboration. Includes narrative, budget information, letters of support from partners and more.

Tahltan MAP 2000

Application to Museum Assistance Programme of Canadian Heritage for funding to collaborate with Tahltan Joint Council, RBCM and CMC through exhibition and publication.

Mehodihi exhibition report

Files includes a copy of the Tahltan Project Final Report - stage 3, a copy of Tahltan Tribe declaration 1910, a note from guest curator Tanya Bob, and reflections on project from Pam Brown (report to Museum Assistance Programme).

Tahltan exhibit [planning binder]

Planning materials for the exhibition including acknowledgement, entrance wall, groups of objects, photographs, label text, and panels. Also includes one pamphlet.

Resultados 101 a 120 de 30208