Recent acquisitions
Recent acquisitions
Proud to be Musqueam
Proud to be Musqueam
Kaxlaya Gvilas
Kaxlaya Gvilas
"Pasifika: Island Journeys” - The Frank Burnett Collection of Pacific Arts
"Pasifika: Island Journeys” - The Frank Burnett Collection of Pacific Arts
Haida Metalwork
Haida Metalwork
Mungo Martin: A Slender Thread
Mungo Martin: A Slender Thread
Musqueam Weavers
Musqueam Weavers
Continuing Traditions: Coast Salish Basketry
Continuing Traditions: Coast Salish Basketry
Gathering Strength: New Generations in Northwest Coast Art
Gathering Strength: New Generations in Northwest Coast Art
Speaking to Memory
Speaking to Memory
Travelling exhibits
Travelling exhibits
Jack Shadbolt and the Coastal Indian Image
Jack Shadbolt and the Coastal Indian Image
Nunavutmiutankik Elisasiniq: A Tribute to the People of Nunavut
Nunavutmiutankik Elisasiniq: A Tribute to the People of Nunavut
Man Ray, African Art and the Modernist Lens
Man Ray, African Art and the Modernist Lens
Festival Hong Kong: Possessions from the Past: Objects from a Lifetime of Change and Contrasts: Hong Kong’s New Territories in the 20th Century
Festival Hong Kong: Possessions from the Past: Objects from a Lifetime of Change and Contrasts: Hong Kong’s New Territories in the 20th Century
Carl Beam
Carl Beam
Our Chiefs and Elders: Photographs by David Neel, Kwagiutl
Our Chiefs and Elders: Photographs by David Neel, Kwagiutl
Inuit Prints and Drawings: Selections from the Permanent Collection
Inuit Prints and Drawings: Selections from the Permanent Collection
Trapline Lifeline
Trapline Lifeline