Affichage de 1430 résultats

description archivistique
Totem poles Anglais
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1292 résultats avec objets numériques Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques

Vickie Jensen and Jay Powell fonds
Vickie Jensen and Jay Powell fonds
University of British Columbia (UBC) series
University of British Columbia (UBC) series
Dzunuk'wa totem pole with thunderbird by Willie Seaweed
Dzunuk'wa totem pole with thunderbird by Willie Seaweed
Dzunuk'wa totem pole with thunderbird by Willie Seaweed
Dzunuk'wa totem pole with thunderbird by Willie Seaweed
Dzunuk'wa totem pole with thunderbird
Dzunuk'wa totem pole with thunderbird
Dzunuk'wa totem pole with thunderbird
Dzunuk'wa totem pole with thunderbird
Dzunuk'wa totem pole with thunderbird
Dzunuk'wa totem pole with thunderbird
Dzunuk'wa figure on totem pole
Dzunuk'wa figure on totem pole
Base figures of a totem pole
Base figures of a totem pole
Base figure of a totem pole
Base figure of a totem pole
Detail of a Dzunuk'wa face
Detail of a Dzunuk'wa face
Detail of Dzunuk'wa face
Detail of Dzunuk'wa face
Dzunuk'wa totem pole with thunderbird
Dzunuk'wa totem pole with thunderbird
Dzunuk'wa Figure
Dzunuk'wa Figure
Small totem pole, basket, prints, and other objects
Small totem pole, basket, prints, and other objects
Rattles and model totems
Rattles and model totems
Totem pole on Anthony Island
Totem pole on Anthony Island
Totem pole lying on the ground
Totem pole lying on the ground
Résultats 1 à 20 sur 1430