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Material Culture
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493 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects

Cowichan Indian knitting

Subseries consists of images used in the book Cowichan Indian Knitting and textual records relating to the production of the book. In addition are the images used in the exhibit which was shown in the Museum of Anthropology September 23 – November 9, 1986.

File 1: Images used in booklet
File 2: Images used in exhibit
File 3: Images of the exhibit


File contains images of arpilleras stitched by Chilean woman who were part of "The Association of Families of the Detained-Disappeared".


File contains one copy of the publication titled A Guide to Buying Contemporary Northwest Coast Indian Arts, written by Karen Duffek. It is No. 10 in the Museum Note series.

Hands of our ancestors

Subseries contains images used in a a publication titled Hands of Our Ancestors: The Revival of Salish Weaving at Musqueam written by Elizabeth Johnson and Kathryn Bernick as well as the publication itself. This publication is part of the Museum Notes program at the Museum of Anthropology.

File 1 - 3: [Photographs ]
File 4: [Transparencies, negatives]
File 5:[Book]
File 6: [Draft of book]
File 7: [Photographs]


File contains images and close up images of woven textiles used in the exhibit <i>Ancient Cloth...Ancient Code?</i> at the Museum of Anthropology, UBC.

Fred Alexcee painting - CMC

File contains prints and negatives of a painting by Frederick Alexcee titled "A Fight Between the Haida and Tsimshian". This painting is housed at the Canadian Museum of Civilization (now the Canadian Museum of History).

Southwest Museum

File contains photographs of a bent-wood box held in the collection at the Southwest Museum as well as notes regarding the objects and the collections policy.

Results 1 to 20 of 722