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624 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects

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Reverend Smith Stanley Osterhout fonds
Reverend Smith Stanley Osterhout fonds
Slides and negatives
Slides and negatives
Carving totem, inside end of bighouse [Alert Bay]
Carving totem, inside end of bighouse [Alert Bay]
Alert Bay cemetery
Alert Bay cemetery
Gov. General and Mrs. Mitchner [sic] visit to Alert Bay
Gov. General and Mrs. Mitchner [sic] visit to Alert Bay
Gov. General and Mrs. Mitchner [sic] visit to Alert Bay
Gov. General and Mrs. Mitchner [sic] visit to Alert Bay
Alert Bay memorial pole
Alert Bay memorial pole
Mungo Martin singing Kwakwaka-wakw potlach songs
Mungo Martin singing Kwakwaka-wakw potlach songs
Main Street in Alert Bay
Main Street in Alert Bay
Totem Pole in Alert Bay
Totem Pole in Alert Bay
Burial Ground in Alert Bay
Burial Ground in Alert Bay
Burial Ground in Alert Bay
Burial Ground in Alert Bay
Cape Mudge 1970 1979
Cape Mudge 1970 1979
Hunt Family Heritage: Contemporary Kwakiutl Art
Hunt Family Heritage: Contemporary Kwakiutl Art
The Copper that Came from Heaven: Dance Dramas of the Kwak'waka'wakw
The Copper that Came from Heaven: Dance Dramas of the Kwak'waka'wakw
21 June 1958 Alert Bay Centennial Celebrations
21 June 1958 Alert Bay Centennial Celebrations
21 June 1958 Alert Bay Centennial Celebrations
21 June 1958 Alert Bay Centennial Celebrations
Results 1 to 20 of 767