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Director's fonds English
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Director's fonds

  • 119
  • Fonds
  • 1953 - 2021

Fonds consists of records created by the Director of the Museum of Anthropology. The records consist of mainly textual material and a small amount of graphic material and architectural drawings. The records include correspondence, memoranda, minutes of staff, committee, and association meetings, reports, handwritten notations, draft copies, published and unpublished articles and papers, applications and forms, financial reports and statements, pamphlets, brochures, day-timers ,contracts, agreements, newspaper clippings, blueline prints, programmes, invitations, staff lists, volunteer lists, donor lists, member lists, photographs, curriculum vitae, job descriptions, collections lists, architectural plans, advertisements, cards, receipts, slides, contact sheets, and other textual and graphic material related to the activities and functions of Director.

The fonds has been organized into the following series:

  1. General Administration Files, 1970-ca. 2013
  2. Finances Files, 1971-2005
  3. Human Resources Files, 1972-2013
  4. Facilities and Services Files, 1972-2013
  5. Collections Files, 1953-2004
  6. Exhibitions Files, 1971-2017
  7. Public Programmes and Events Files, 1974-2013
  8. School Programmes Files, 1978-1996
  9. Teaching/Training and Research Files, 1971-2008
  10. External Relations Files, 1966-2012

Director of the Museum of Anthropology

General Administration Files

Series consists of correspondence and memoranda, minutes, reports, contracts and agreements, handwritten notations, draft copies, newspaper clippings, photographs, slides, and other textual and graphic records related to the general administration of the museum and the administrative activities and responsibilities of the Director. Includes records related to museum policies and procedures and their development, the planning of museum activities and goals, the evaluation and accountability of the museum, including files containing museum annual report information and files regarding reviews of the museum, records regarding contracts and agreements made by the museum, and records related to various museum committees. The series also includes records related to the administration of the museum in general, including files regarding the early history of the museum, executive committee and staff meetings and memoranda, as well as files of correspondence and minutes of meetings relating to communications and involvement with the Dean of Arts and the President’s Office.

The series is divided into the following subseries:

A. General Files 1971-2009

B. Policies and Procedures Files 1975-1998

C. Planning Files 1976-2009

D. Accountability and Evaluation Files 1974-ca. 2013

E. Contracts and Agreements Files 1976-1993

F. Committees Files 1970-2009

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