Ledger Book [Original & Copies]
- 22-1
- File
- ca. 1920
Part of Fred Ryckman fonds
File contains a ledger book and photocopies of it. The ledger book was written by Fred Ryckman ca. 1920 and includes census information by location.
Fred Ryckman
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Ledger Book [Original & Copies]
Part of Fred Ryckman fonds
File contains a ledger book and photocopies of it. The ledger book was written by Fred Ryckman ca. 1920 and includes census information by location.
Fred Ryckman
Part of Stanley E. Read fonds
Read's note cards detail information about three groups of totem poles and contain text and page references to Marius Barbeau's book, Totem Poles of the Gitksan, Upper Skeena River, British Columbia (published by the Canada Department of Mines and the National Museum of Canada, 1929).
Part of MOA General Media collection
Series consists of the video recordings about, by, or related to the Museum of Anthropology. Video recordings can be found in many collections and fonds in the MOA Archives; the recordings in this General Media collection are those that do not belong to a more specific archival collection, usually because their provenance is not known.
Series divided into the following files:
See attached pdf document for list of recordings.
Classroom Rules for children and for teacher
Part of Jean Telfer fonds
List of classroom rules from the Morley Residential School, likely typed up by Telfer. There are rules for the children and for teachers. The document is typed on letterhead for "Indian Residential School, United Church of Canada, Rev. E.J. Staley, Principal, Morely, Alta."
Part of Wilson Duff fonds
Part of Wilson Duff fonds
Part of Wilson Duff fonds
Part of Wilson Duff fonds
Part of Wilson Duff fonds
Part of Wilson Duff fonds
Part of Wilson Duff fonds
Part of Wilson Duff fonds
Part of Wilson Duff fonds
Part of Wilson Duff fonds
Part of Wilson Duff fonds
Part of Wilson Duff fonds
Part of Wilson Duff fonds
Part of Wilson Duff fonds
Part of Wilson Duff fonds
Part of Wilson Duff fonds