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Bill Reid Inglés
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89 resultados con objetos digitales Muestra los resultados con objetos digitales

Robert Keziere fonds

  • 76
  • Fundo
  • 1982

The fonds consists of 17 photographic prints taken by Robert Keziere on October 20, 1982 of artist Bill Reid working in his Kerrisdale (Vancouver) studio. The film remained unprocessed until 2009, when it was developed and the prints, contact sheet, and DVD were created. The DVD contains image files in multiple resolutions. In 2021 an additional roll of film was discovered by Keziere and prints, negatives, contact sheet, and USB flash drive were added to the fonds.

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Kuldip Gill fonds

  • 7
  • Fundo
  • 1978

Fonds consists of 21 photographs from the 1978 Bill Reid pole raising ceremony at Skidegate, an event at which Gill was an observer.

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Celebration of the Raven film soundtrack, ambient noise

Item is an audio recording of ambient noise which was recorded for the soundtrack for the film Celebration of the Raven, directed by Ken Kuramoto, which documented the work process and installation of Bill Reid’s carving titled The Raven and the First Men and its unveiling by the Prince of Wales in 1980. This is Reel #4 of the soundtrack.

Celebration of the Raven film soundtrack, Haida singing Part 2

Item is the second of two audio recording of performers singing Haida songs at the opening reception of Celebration of the Raven. The recording is Reel #6 of the soundtrack for the film Celebration of the Raven, directed by Ken Kuramoto, which documented the work process and installation of Bill Reid’s carving titled The Raven and the First Men and its unveiling by the Prince of Wales in 1980.

Celebration of the Raven film soundtrack, Haida singing Part 1

Item is the second of two audio recording of performers singing Haida songs at the opening reception of Celebration of the Raven. The recording is Reel #5 of the soundtrack for the film Celebration of the Raven, directed by Ken Kuramoto, which documented the work process and installation of Bill Reid’s carving titled The Raven and the First Men and its unveiling by the Prince of Wales in 1980.

Celebration of the Raven film soundtrack, opening reception speeches

Item is an audio recording of introductory speeches given during the opening reception of Celebration of the Raven. The recording is Reel #7 of the soundtrack for the film Celebration of the Raven, directed by Ken Kuramoto, which documented the work process and installation of Bill Reid’s carving titled The Raven and the First Men and its unveiling by the Prince of Wales in 1980. The recording begins with an unidentified speaker who acknowledges the two groups who co-hosted the event: the Haida of the Queen Charlotte Islands including the Chiefs, Chief Elders and the People as well as the Friends of the Museum of Anthropology, Corporate Friends and the Raven Committee. The recording is then interrupted. The following portion of the recording features a woman speaking, likely in Haida. The recording is interrupted several more times during various speeches so it is difficult to identify speakers. Lastly, Haida artist Bill Reid provides a tribute to the passing of Haida storyteller Solomon Wilson and then thanks various individuals involved in the creation of the sculpture including Walter Koerner and artists George Norris, Garry Edenshaw, Charles Edenshaw and others. The recording concludes with singing and drumming.

Model, B. Reid, Raven and Clam myth

Image of Bill Reid's small boxwood sculpture "The Raven Discovering Mankind in a Clam Shell," which he completed in 1970. He was later commissioned to make a much larger version of this sculpture for the Museum of Anthropology, which he titled "The Raven and the First Men."

Bill Reid in house

Image of artist Bill Reid standing in the remains of a house on Anthony Island. Reid is at a slight distance from the camera, seen in silhouette standing at either the front or rear of the structure. A note, possibly written by Audrey Hawthorn, accompanies this slide. See item a039485 in this file for this note.

Douglas & McIntyre fonds

  • 42
  • Fundo
  • 1954 - 1985

The fonds consists of 83 images associated with two books published by Douglas & McIntyre: Bill Reid by Doris Shadbolt and The Raven Steals the Light by Bill Reid. The photographers responsible for these images are R. Dereth, R. Keziere, R. Lum and B. McLemore.

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Memorial pole, Totem Park

Image of memorial pole when it stood at UBC's Totem Park. The pole is now part of MOA's collection.

The pole was carved at UBC for display in Totem Park. Moved to the new Museum of Anthropology grounds in 1978. This pole is based on the beaver pole standing at the north end of Skidegate. The raven figure was removed from the top of the pole in Sept. 2005 due to its poor condition and safety concerns .

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Memorial pole, Totem Park

Image of memorial pole when it stood at UBC's Totem Park. The pole is now part of MOA's collection.

The pole was carved at UBC for display in Totem Park. Moved to the new Museum of Anthropology grounds in 1978. This pole is based on the beaver pole standing at the north end of Skidegate. The raven figure was removed from the top of the pole in Sept. 2005 due to its poor condition and safety concerns .

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Memorial pole, Totem Park

Image of memorial pole when it stood at UBC's Totem Park. The pole is now part of MOA's collection.

The pole was carved at UBC for display in Totem Park. Moved to the new Museum of Anthropology grounds in 1978. This pole is based on the beaver pole standing at the north end of Skidegate. The raven figure was removed from the top of the pole in Sept. 2005 due to its poor condition and safety concerns .

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House Frontal Totem Pole, UBC Totem Park

Image of a pole carved as the frontal pole for the front of the Haida house, at UBC, for display in Totem Park. Moved to the new Museum of Anthropology grounds in 1978. Pole was removed from the Haida House in 2000-09 and placed in a greenhouse tent for conservation treatment and drying. A new pole was raised outside to replace it (see MOA object Nb1.752). Jim Hart, with Reg Davidson, Michael Nicoll and Tyler Crosby, performed a small informal ceremony for the re-raising of the pole on Oct. 30, 2002 (with Martine Reid in attendance). Pole was then re-raised in the Great Hall of the Museum on Oct. 31, 2002.

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House Frontal Totem Pole, UBC Totem Park

Image of a pole carved as the frontal pole for the front of the Haida house, at UBC, for display in Totem Park. Moved to the new Museum of Anthropology grounds in 1978. Pole was removed from the Haida House in 2000-09 and placed in a greenhouse tent for conservation treatment and drying. A new pole was raised outside to replace it (see MOA object Nb1.752). Jim Hart, with Reg Davidson, Michael Nicoll and Tyler Crosby, performed a small informal ceremony for the re-raising of the pole on Oct. 30, 2002 (with Martine Reid in attendance). Pole was then re-raised in the Great Hall of the Museum on Oct. 31, 2002.

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House Frontal Totem Pole, UBC Totem Park

Image of a house frontal pole. The pole was carved at the University of British Columbia for display in Totem Park, where it is located in this image. It was moved to the new Museum of Anthropology grounds in 1978. Bill Reid based the design of the pole on older poles from Ninstints.

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House Frontal Totem Pole, UBC Totem Park

Image of a pole carved as the frontal pole for the front of the Haida house, at UBC, for display in Totem Park. Moved to the new Museum of Anthropology grounds in 1978. Pole was removed from the Haida House in 2000-09 and placed in a greenhouse tent for conservation treatment and drying. A new pole was raised outside to replace it (see MOA object Nb1.752). Jim Hart, with Reg Davidson, Michael Nicoll and Tyler Crosby, performed a small informal ceremony for the re-raising of the pole on Oct. 30, 2002 (with Martine Reid in attendance). Pole was then re-raised in the Great Hall of the Museum on Oct. 31, 2002.

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House Frontal Totem Pole, UBC Totem Park

Image of a pole carved as the frontal pole for the front of the Haida house, at UBC, for display in Totem Park. Moved to the new Museum of Anthropology grounds in 1978. Pole was removed from the Haida House in 2000-09 and placed in a greenhouse tent for conservation treatment and drying. A new pole was raised outside to replace it (see MOA object Nb1.752). Jim Hart, with Reg Davidson, Michael Nicoll and Tyler Crosby, performed a small informal ceremony for the re-raising of the pole on Oct. 30, 2002 (with Martine Reid in attendance). Pole was then re-raised in the Great Hall of the Museum on Oct. 31, 2002

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House Frontal Totem Pole, UBC Totem Park

Image of a pole carved as the frontal pole for the front of the Haida house, at UBC, for display in Totem Park. Moved to the new Museum of Anthropology grounds in 1978. Pole was removed from the Haida House in 2000-09 and placed in a greenhouse tent for conservation treatment and drying. A new pole was raised outside to replace it (see MOA object Nb1.752). Jim Hart, with Reg Davidson, Michael Nicoll and Tyler Crosby, performed a small informal ceremony for the re-raising of the pole on Oct. 30, 2002 (with Martine Reid in attendance). Pole was then re-raised in the Great Hall of the Museum on Oct. 31, 2002.

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