Affichage de 30209 résultats

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Tuna Plain

Item is a negative showing a landscape with mountains and a lake in the background. There is a grassy meadow in the forefront.

Gyanste Jong from fort

Item is a negative showing a small village in the distance. There are also mountains in the background.

My [Lieutenant/Colonel Parker's] quarters at Gyantse

Item is a negative showing a large building with several windows, a wide verandah, and two sets of staircases. There are two small field pieces at the foot of the staircase on the right left by the Younghusband expedition in 1906.

Gyantse plain

Item is a negative showing a landscape with a river in the forefront and mountains in the background. The village of Gyantse can be seen on the right hand side of the image.


Item is a negative showing a man, the Lama, seated in front of a stone wall. He has a tablet with writing propped up in front of him.

Jongpen's wife with servant

Item is a negative showing the Jongpen's wife standing with a servant in front of a stone building. The wife is wearing an elaborate hat and jeweled earrings. Both women are smiling.

Jongpen's wife in full dress

Item is a negative showing the Jongpen's wife in full Tibetan dress. According to Parker, she is wearing jewelry worth approximately 2000 pounds sterling.


Item is a negative showing a takin. Parker notes that this takin was live captured for Colonel F.M. Bailey and shipped to the London Zoo.

L/Col. Parker's white Tibetan pony

Item is a negative showing a white pony standing in front of a wooden fence. There appears to be a cow on the left hand side of the Lt./Col. Parker's horse. According to Parker, his pony was soft mouthed and not liked by the Tibetans.

Group of men at an army base

Item is a negative showing a group of men milling around in front of several army tents. There are mountains in the background.

Changing of the guard

Item is a negative showing a group of soldiers forming two lines facing each other. The soldiers are carrying guns with bayonets. Mountains are visible in the distance.

Troops practicing firing

Item is a negative showing a group of soldiers forming a line. The troops are dressed in uniform and are holding guns with bayonets. They are positioned as if they are firing their guns. There are more soldiers visible in the background.

Capt. Noel

Item is a negative showing Captain John Noel taking a photo of two unidentified Tibetan women in full dress in front of a stone building. There are other buildings in background.

Dak bungalow

Item is a negative showing a dak bungalow situated in a snowy mountain landscape.

Résultats 81 à 100 sur 30209