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Tahltan visit MOA Oct. 2002 Transcripts

Transcripts from Tahltan exhibit meeting with Pat Carlick, Edith Carlick, Robert Quock, Jenny Quock, Melva Quock, Sally Harvard, Cynthia Collision, Nanette Jackson, Curtis Rattray, Peter Morin, Mother Jonelle, Pam Brown, Tanya Bob, Ditta Cross, Paul Bolton, and Fran Bolton, discussing groupings of items for the exhibit and the process for community approval. File also includes a conservation estimate of the Tahltan exhibit with items and treatment needed, an exhibit outline, and draft label text.

Photos: visit to Tahltan territory Oct 00 / Tahltan visit to CMC, MOA, and RBCM Dec. 2000

Photographs taken during visit to Tahltan territory in October 2000 - Pam Brown (MOA), Tanya Bob (MOA), Judy Thompson (CMC), and Alan Hoover (RBCM) were present. Photographs taken during visit to the Canadian Museum of Civilization, Museum of Anthropology, and Royal British Columbia Museum by Talhtan community members and museum staff in December 2000

Tahltan transcripts Oct 2000, Dec 2000, Jan 2002

Interviews conducted by Judy Thompson with Julia and Charley Callbreath, Peggy and Dale Campbell, interviews from Tahltan visit to MOA December 11-12, 2000 with Pat and Edith Carlick and Robert and Jenny Quock, Melva Quock, and Sally Havard. Also present were Pam Brown, Allison Conin, and Judy Thompson; October 2000 interview with Linda and Virginia Bob by Tanya Bob about Tahltan collections

Tahltan transcripts May 2001 June 2001

Interview files and transcripts of interviews conducted by Tanya Bob with Margery Inkster, Pat and Edith Carlick, Melva Quock, Sally Havard, Robert and Jenny Quock, Charles and Peggy Quock

Tahltan web gallery and photo log

Includes contact sheets and photo logs for photos gathered for Tahltan exhibition and/or web gallery. These are likely connected to the photos in file 01 (Tahltan visual records) of this subseries.

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