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archivistische beschrijving
Vancouver Engels
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1032 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects

Ronnie Tessler fonds

  • 12
  • Archief
  • 1986 - 1987

The fonds consists of photographs created by Ronnie Tessler between 1986 and 1987 documenting a canoe project by Nisga’a carver Norman Tait. The project was abandoned in the summer of 1987, and the canoe was left uncompleted. The photographs depict models for the canoe, transportation of the log for the canoe to the Museum of Anthropology, ceremonies performed throughout the project, and various stages of work on the canoe and model. Additional photographs from this period depict a totem pole-raising ceremony at Capilano Mall in North Vancouver, as well as portraits of Les Baker, a model Tait wanted to use for a “white man” mask. The fonds is arranged into a single series: Norman Tait canoe project and related materials.

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Ken Kuramoto fonds

  • 61
  • Archief
  • 1980 - 1981

This fonds consists of 39 16mm film reels of Celebration of the Raven. There are also five audio reels which are soundtracks for the film. Film reels include stills and test stills and camera originals. Most reels are labeled according to the scene.

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Douglas & McIntyre fonds

  • 42
  • Archief
  • 1954 - 1985

The fonds consists of 83 images associated with two books published by Douglas & McIntyre: Bill Reid by Doris Shadbolt and The Raven Steals the Light by Bill Reid. The photographers responsible for these images are R. Dereth, R. Keziere, R. Lum and B. McLemore.

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Genni Hennessy fonds

  • 48
  • Archief
  • 2002 - 2003

The fonds consists of records relating to Hennessy’s 2003 MA thesis titled The Spirit of Collaboration: Exploring Critical Pedagogical Principles in Transforming the Museum Through Space and Time. Hennessy was interested in the relationships that developed between community members and museum staff during the process of putting together the Museum of Anthropology’s exhibit The Spirit of Islam, which ran from October 2001 to May 2002. Her purpose was to document the kinds of collaborative processes that occurred as the exhibit planning progressed in order to identify a model from which other museums working with communities might benefit.

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William Carr fonds

  • 86
  • Archief
  • [1949 or 1950]

The fonds consists of black and white photographs and negatives. Subjects depicted include villages, boats and ferries, landscapes, bridges, logging clearcuts, and totem poles. Some of the photos appear to be of the Lions Gate Bridge, Stanley Park, and the Capilano Suspension Bridge.

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Stanley Park totem poles

Image of totem poles at Stanley Park from the side. From foreground to background: Sisa Kaulas Pole, Wakas (Wakius) Pole, and Thunderbird house post.

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Totem Park, UBC, Vancouver, Kwakiutl (#2 + 5 carved by Mungo Martin), Alert Bay sea lion pole #2, new Mungo Martin pole #5, frontal pole #6, eagle crest pole #7

This pole was on display at UBC in Totem Park in the 1960’s and 1970’s and moved to the Museum in the late 1970’s. It was carved in 1914 in Tsaxis (Fort Rupert) by George Hunt Sr. for the Edward S. Curtis film "In the Land of the War Canoes" which was originally titled "In the Land of the Head Hunters". The pole was collected by Marius Barbeau and Arthur Price in 1947. The pole was repaired and re-painted by carvers Ellen Neel in 1949 and Mungo Martin in 1950-51. It stood at Totem Park, UBC Campus until it was re-located to the Museum's Great Hall in 1976.

Iconography: Kolus is a young thunderbird. Thunderbird is a supernatural bird identifiable by the presence of ear-like projections or horns on the head, and a re-curved beak. The pole alludes to the story of Tongas people in south Alaska, who migrated south.

Masks on display

Masks and headdresses on display. The caption for this image says that the display is at the Vancouver Centennial Museum but the images looks more like a display from Man and His World in Montréal.

Resultaten 1 tot 20 van 1092