Other [photographs of Anthony Island]
- 1-1-E-4 (Oversize 12.3)
- File
- [?]
File contains images of Anthony Island, and one of Wilson Duff doing archaeology.
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Other [photographs of Anthony Island]
File contains images of Anthony Island, and one of Wilson Duff doing archaeology.
Oversized photographs of totem poles on Anthony Island
File contains images of totem poles being removed from Anthony Island.
Moving the totem poles on Anthony Island
File contains images of totem poles being being crated and shipped by boat.
B.C.T.P.P.C expedition, Ninstints, Anthony Island original photos
File contains images of Anthony Island.
United Church Archives materials UBC
File contains images of various First Nations villages and townspeople around Skidegate, Port Simpson, and Bella Bella.
File mainly contains historical images of Haida and Tlingit villages and totem poles located on the Northwest Coast of British Columbia and Alaska. There are also images of Haida and Tlingit peoples dressed in regalia. Other photos include images of Haida and Tlingit artifacts, such as bentwood boxes and carvings, housed in various museums around the world. There are also images of a modern day ceremony in front of some totem poles and long houses. The textual records include photocopies of images of totem poles and Haida and Tlingit villages.
File contains a combination of historical and modern day images of canoes used by First Nation groups living on the Northwest Coast. The historical images contain images of village life and uses of the canoe in a historical context. The modern day images show canoes housed in various museums in Canada and the United States. The textual records contained in this file are photocopies of images of canoes, both from historical photographs and of modern day photographs.
File includes one photograph of MOA Object ID A7103 which is a bentwood chest. The contents of this file were used to create object labels for MOA's Great Hall.
File includes one photograph of MOA Object ID A9416 which is a bentwood chest. The contents of this file were used to create object labels for MOA's Great Hall.
File includes one drawing and three photographs of MOA Object ID A50000 a, b, c, and d which is a totem pole separated into four parts. The images depict the object in its original form prior to separation. The contents of this file were used to create object labels for MOA's Great Hall.
File includes one drawing and one photograph of MOA Object ID A50012 which is a house frontal totem pole. The photograph is annotated with handwritten information about its originating repository. The contents of this file were used to create object labels for MOA's Great Hall.
File includes one drawing of MOA Object ID A50013 which is a house frontal totem pole. The contents of this file were used to create object labels for MOA's Great Hall.
File includes one drawing and five photographs of MOA Object ID A50014 a and b which are a house totem pole that has been separated into two parts. The images depict the object in its original form prior to separation. The photographs are annotated with handwritten and typed information about their original repositories. The contents of this file were used to create object labels for MOA's Great Hall.
File includes two photographs of MOA Object ID A50016 which is a house post. The photographs are annotated with handwritten information about their original repositories. The contents of this file were used to create object labels for MOA's Great Hall.
File includes one drawing and five photographs of MOA Object ID A50018 and other surrounding totem poles. The photographs are annotated with handwritten information about their original repositories. The contents of this file were used to create object labels for MOA's Great Hall.
File includes one photograph of MOA Object ID A6985 which is a totem pole. The contents of this file were used to create object labels for MOA's Great Hall.
File consists of photographic prints depicting Haida cultural objects from other institutions. Many of the prints are annotated with handwritten, stamped, or typed information about the contents of the images or their original repositories. The contents of this file were used to create object labels for MOA Object ID A50000 a, b, c, & d; A50001; A50002 a, b, & c; A50012; A50013; A50014 a & b; A50015 a & b; A50017; A50018; A50021; and A50045 in MOA's Great Hall.
Image of Wilson Duff, Harry Hawthorn, Bill Reid and John Smyly under a shelter on Skunnggwaii llanas (Anthony Island). The image was taken during the Ninstints expedition to retrieve 11 totem poles from the area.
[Back of photograph of Ninstints expedition]
The back of a photograph of Wilson Duff, Harry Hawthorn, Bill Reid and John Smyly under a shelter on Skunnggwaii llanas (Anthony Island). The image was taken during the Ninstints expedition to retrieve 11 totem poles from the area. Back of item #a035183-1.
Image of Bill Reid carving a wooden sculpture with a chisel.