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Robert Reford fonds

  • 11
  • Fundo
  • [1889 - ca. 191?]

Fonds contains scanned images from two photo albums attributed to Robert Reford. One album shows images from his time in British Columbia (1889-1891). These photographs were likely taken by Reford. The second album contains images from the Arctic. It is not clear who took these photos, as there is no record of Reford having spent time in the Arctic.

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Kersti Krug fonds

  • 109
  • Fundo
  • 1990 - 2001

The fonds reflects Kersti Krug’s work on several major projects relating to organizational change and development at the University of British Columbia's Museum of Anthropology (MOA). Records created during Krug’s period as Director of Communications relate predominantly to surveys and studies conducted with members of, and visitors to, the Museum. Records Krug created in her capacity as co-director of MOA’s Certificate in Museum Studies Program illustrate the development of the program and its curriculum, and also its cancellation. As Manager of Research and Evaluation, Krug was involved in the initial stages of the MOA building expansion; records she produced during this period illustrate her consultative approach to assessing MOA’s space needs and her solicitation of proposals from architectural firms.

Records produced during these activities include proposals, questionnaires, interview transcriptions, data sets, graphs and charts, notes, drafts, and reports, draft curricula, copies of email correspondence, syllabi, research materials, and brochures.

The fonds has been arranged into the series:

A) Certificate in Museum Studies Program
B) MOA Space Needs and Development Options
C) Visitor Studies and Surveys
D) Vision/ Mission Statement
E) Galleries and Exhibitions.

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Skooker Broome fonds

  • 108
  • Fundo
  • 1987 - 2015

The fonds consists of records relating to Skooker Broome’s function as a designer and as a coordinator for building services at UBC's Museum of Anthropology and contains detailed records relating to producing, planning, designing, and installing exhibits at the Museum of Anthropology. Records include correspondence, drawings, notes, memos, minutes, reports, photographs, proofs, labels, and other materials.

The fonds is arranged into three series:

Series 1: Exhibition & design series
Series 2: Special projects & events series
Series 3: Facilities & services series

See attached pdf document for series descriptions and file list.

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Herb Watson fonds

  • 107
  • Fundo
  • 1975 - 1992

Fonds consists of records generated by Watson while working as an exhibit designer at the Museum of Anthropology. Material includes records gernated during the preparation and documentation of exhibitions at the Museum, as well as records generated for two additional design projects undertaken by Watson during his tenure at MOA: the design of textile storage and display unit, 1980-1984; and the design of an extension to the west wing of MOA, 1988-1990.

Fonds is organized into two series:
1 - Museum design
2 - Exhibition design

See attached pdf document for series descriptions and file list.

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Darrin Morrison fonds

  • 106
  • Fundo
  • 1988 - 2005

Fonds consists of material related to Morrison’s involvement with several exhibits at the Museum of Anthropology at the University of British Columbia, as well as his work planning and implementing preventative conservation measures, and his work design the Museum Research Centre. The fonds consists of one series of Exhibitions with sub-series corresponding to separate exhibits. Another series consists of information on a book on textiles and costumes. The last series consists of information about building projects that Morrison was involved with. Material consists of correspondence, handwritten notes, exhibit catalogs, poster and invitation proofs, budgets, slides, copy and 35 mm negatives, floppy disks, project descriptions, postcards, video cassettes and artist histories.

The fonds is arranged in the following series:

  1. Exhibitions
  2. Textiles and Costume
  3. Building Projects

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Rosa Ho fonds

  • 105
  • Fundo
  • 1976 - 1999, predominant 1988 - 1999

The fonds consists of records relating to Rosa Ho’s functions as a Curator of Art and Public Programmes at the Museum of Anthropology at the University of British Columbia. Records include correspondence, memoranda, handwritten notes, minutes, object lists, reports, brochures, press releases, newspaper clippings, interview transcripts and tapes, financial statements, grant applications, publication drafts, policy information, mission statements, and other materials. The records are predominantly from 1988 to 1999, while Rosa was the Curator of Art and Public Programmes. The records largely pertain to events, programming, and exhibitions held at the Museum of Anthropology. Also included in the fonds are records relating to external projects and publications.

The fonds is arranged in the following 11 series:

  1. Public programme planning
  2. Exhibition planning
  3. Institutional planning
  4. Museum of Anthropology committees
  5. Collections – information, acquisition and documentation
  6. Inuit research
  7. BC First Nations research
  8. Pow Wow
  9. Volunteers and education
  10. External publications and projects
  11. Administration

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Pam Brown fonds

  • 104
  • Fundo
  • 1987 - 2013

Fonds reflects Brown’s career as a curator at the Museum of Anthropology, including her role as Supervisor of the Native Youth Programme. Records include correspondence, memoranda, reports, press clippings, grant applications, press releases, schedules, liability waivers, itineraries, comment books, student assignments, scripts for student presentations, photographs, and audio recordings.

The records are organized into the following series:

  1. Native Youth Programme
  2. Aboriginal Cultural Stewardship Programme
  3. Aboriginal Museum Internship Program
  4. Sourcebooks and Related Materials
  5. Repatriation Forum

See attached pdf document for full description of these series and file lists.

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Lynn Hill fonds

  • 103
  • Fundo
  • 1998 - 2000

The fonds consists of the records created by Lynn Hill while she was employed as curator-in-residence at the Museum of Anthropology. They relate predominantly to her curation of the exhibition Raven’s Reprise. The exhibition involved the installation of works by contemporary Northwest Coast artists around the Museum, and was intended to challenge viewers’ expectations of Northwest Coast art by juxtaposing traditionally accepted aesthetics and technology with modern materials and urban sensibilities. Records reflect Hill’s planning of the exhibition, as well as her communication with artists involved in the exhibit and in a complimentary series of public talks. Other records relate to Hill’s work on Gallery 3 and with the Native Youth Program.

Documents include source books, correspondence, reports, training materials, budgets, grant applications, exhibit proposals, draft exhibition materials, resumes, brochures, photographs, interview transcripts, and copies of print materials.

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Karen Duffek fonds

  • 102
  • Fundo
  • 1978 - 2012

The fonds relate primarily to research Karen Duffek conducted and exhibitions she curated or was involved in. In addition, some files relate to publications Duffek wrote. Files consist of research materials, exhibition planning and implementation, publications and articles, correspondences, and artist interviews.
The fonds is arranged into the following two series:

  1. Research Projects
  2. Exhibitions

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Inge Ruus fonds

  • 101
  • Fundo
  • ca. 1975 - 1977

The records in this fonds consist of material created and received by Ruus both in her voluntary capacity and as a curatorial assistant. The majority of the records in the fonds pertain to the 1976 Guatemalan Highlands exhibit. Other records in the fonds are largely composed of photographic documentation of the clothing and textiles of various cultures. Other materials in the fonds relate to the management of the museum’s collection, with a particular focus on research into visible storage. Records in this fonds are composed of slides, photographs, notes, memoranda, and correspondence.

The fonds has been organized into the following three series:

  1. Visual Documentation of Clothing and Textiles
  2. Guatemalan Highlands Exhibit
  3. Collection Management/Visible Storage

See attached pdf document for series descriptions and file list.

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Carol Mayer fonds

  • 100
  • Fundo
  • 1977 - 2014, predominant 1987 - 2014

The fonds consists of records created by Carol Mayer at the University of British Columbia as Curator of Collections and Curator of Ethnology and Ceramics at the Museum of Anthropology, as a Department of Anthropology & Sociology Instructor, as Curator of Africa/Pacific, and as Curatorial Department Head. Also included are records relating to her role within the MOA Exhibition Committee. The fonds also contains records related to her role as an instructor at the Emily Carr College of Art and Design. The records consist mainly of textual material with a small amount of graphic material and small artifacts. The records include correspondence, memoranda, incoming loan agreements, exhibit receipts, exhibit proposals and forms, policy drafts, news releases, pamphlets, minutes of committee meetings, budgets, agendas, schedules, exhibition lists, facility reports, display labels, CD’s, sketches, journals, transcribed interviews, research notes, negatives, slides and photographs.

The records are arranged into the following series:

  1. Administrative files 1987-2014

  2. Exhibition files 1977-2013

  3. Student Project files 1994-2013

See attached pdf document for descriptions of these series with file lists.

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A.F.R. Wollaston fonds

  • 10
  • Fundo
  • ca. 1915-1919

The fonds consists of photographs likely taken by A.F.R. Wollaston in Uganda, the Congo, New Guinea, and Fiji. Also included are the envelope in which the photos were posted, and a note from M (Marjorie Halpin) to Audrey (Shane? Hawthorn?) regarding the donation of the photos to MoA.

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William McLennan (MOA Curator) fonds

  • 1
  • Fundo
  • 1956, [197-?] - 2013

Fonds consists of records created by McLennan during his employment at the Museum. Fonds has been arranged into six series. The first series is titled Exhibits and relates to McLennan’s role first as a designer and photographer of exhibits and later as a curator of exhibits. Each exhibit is arranged into a separate subseries. Some of the photographs were taken by staff who worked for McLennan.

The second series is titled Projects and events. This series relates to McLennan’s role as photographer. He has recorded many events and documented projects through the use of photography. On some projects he also took on the role of designer.

The third series is titled Multiversity galleries and contains materials related to the creation of the Multiversity gallery space which occurred as part of the Partnership of Peoples Renewal project from 2007-2010.

The fourth series is titled general research and contains materials related to McLennan’s research in art on the northwest coast of British Columbia. The research series has been sub-divided into four sub-series: museums, archives and subject files, artist files, culture photographs and books.

The fifth series is titled Bill Reid and contains materials created and collected about Bill Reid and his work by McLennan.

The sixth series is titled Administration, public relations and correspondence and relates to McLennan’s administrative role at MOA, containing administrative records.

Additional digital records from this fonds are still being processed and will be added to this finding aid at a later date.

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