Textiles arts



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Textiles arts

Término General Material Culture

Textiles arts

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Textiles arts

  • Usado para Fabric arts

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Textiles arts

162 Archival description results for Textiles arts

8 resultados directamente relacionados Excluir términos relacionados

Vickie Jensen

File contains images of Northwest Coast artifacts including bowls, baskets and nets, weavings, ropes, embroderies, hats, clothing, masks, and weapons housed in an unspecified museum(s). The textual records include a catalogue list of "materials sent to: the National Museum of Denmark, April 1928".


File contains images and close up images of woven textiles used in the exhibit <i>Ancient Cloth...Ancient Code?</i> at the Museum of Anthropology, UBC.


Photograph of two Hopi women (whom Maude identifies using the outdated term Moki) weaving a manta.

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