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Volunteer Associates fonds

  • 84
  • Fonds
  • 1975 - 2006

The fonds consists of the following series: source books by Kathie Roads (1970-1992); resignations (1976-1988); minutes (1976-1989); correspondence and memos (1975-1990); education and training (1976-1988); annual reports (1976-1989); photographs (1979-1982); subject files (1976-1991); and hours and attendance (1976-1989).

Sans titre

Lillian French fonds

  • 90
  • Fonds
  • ca. 1940

Fonds consists of an empty photo album with a wooden cover, hand-painted by C. Doudawarch (?), a resident of Port Simpson.

Sans titre

Joan Witney fonds

  • 95
  • Fonds
  • [ca. 194-?]

Fonds consists of one notebook attributed to Witney. The notebook contains notes regarding the Cree language and alphabet, and may have been created while Moore was in Norway House.

Sans titre

Lynn Hill fonds

  • 103
  • Fonds
  • 1998 - 2000

The fonds consists of the records created by Lynn Hill while she was employed as curator-in-residence at the Museum of Anthropology. They relate predominantly to her curation of the exhibition Raven’s Reprise. The exhibition involved the installation of works by contemporary Northwest Coast artists around the Museum, and was intended to challenge viewers’ expectations of Northwest Coast art by juxtaposing traditionally accepted aesthetics and technology with modern materials and urban sensibilities. Records reflect Hill’s planning of the exhibition, as well as her communication with artists involved in the exhibit and in a complimentary series of public talks. Other records relate to Hill’s work on Gallery 3 and with the Native Youth Program.

Documents include source books, correspondence, reports, training materials, budgets, grant applications, exhibit proposals, draft exhibition materials, resumes, brochures, photographs, interview transcripts, and copies of print materials.

Sans titre

Roland Reed collection

  • 121
  • Collection
  • 1907 - 1921

Collection consists of photographic prints by Roland Reed, featuring Native Americans and scenery of the western United States.

Sans titre

President's Planning and Coordinating Committee fonds

  • 123
  • Fonds
  • 1971 - 1976

The fonds consists of minutes, correspondence, contracts, and reports relating to the Planning of the Museum of Man (later Museum of Anthropology). The fonds includes information pertaining to the planning for the new museum, building needs, museum function, and the Functional Program which outlines the results of decisions the committee made.

Sans titre

Jennifer Kramer fonds

  • 126
  • Fonds
  • 1967-2012

Fonds consists of records related to Jennifer Kramer's work as a curator at MOA. Currently only records relating to the planning and implementation of exhibits curated by Jennifer Kramer are in the fonds.

Sans titre

E. Polly Hammer fonds

  • 134
  • Fonds
  • 1969-1974

This fonds consists of 136 slides taken by E. Polly Hammer on various trips to British Columbia, Alaska, Manitoba, and Minnesota during the time she was based in Manitoba. The slides primarily depict totem poles from throughout the Northwest coast, including carvings by Mungo Martin and Henry Hunt. There are also depictions of petroglyphs and other works of art, as well as buildings (houses, museums, forts, and other dwelling places) and landscapes. There are also several photographs of events attended and photographed by E. Polly Hammer. The fonds also contains a booklet with information on and images of totem poles in Prince Rupert, British Columbia.

Sans titre

Ena M. Montador fonds

  • 127
  • Fonds
  • Unknown

Hand coloured sepia photograph of Gitskan village including structures, totems poles and small groupings of walking people taken by the father of Ena M. Montador. He was a salesman who traveled up and down the coast and may be one of the people in the photograph.Gitskan is a National Historic Site of Canada located at Kitwanga, British Columbia in the Skeena Country in the northwestern region of the province. It was an 18th century earthwork fortress also known as Battle Hill. Gitskan village features several wooden totem poles (featured in the photograph) that were originally erected by several clans on Battle Hill but were moved due to floods.

Sans titre

Victor Othello dos Remedios fonds

  • 5
  • Fonds
  • ca. 1930-1945

Fonds consists of photographs that mainly document bombings in Shanghai by military forces from Japan in 1937. It is likely that the photographs of two bombing incidents were taken when Victor was a member of the Shanghai Volunteer Corps. The images show the devastation caused by the bombings including streetscapes and details of blown out buildings and dismembered casualties. Other photographs at the beginning of the album are postcards of Shanghai in its heyday before the bombings. Textual documents are from the 1930s and 1940s and include registration cards, a birthday card, a passport as well as identification cards of Victor, Valentina and Elizabeth.

Sans titre

Ken Kuramoto fonds

  • 61
  • Fonds
  • 1980 - 1981

This fonds consists of 39 16mm film reels of Celebration of the Raven. There are also five audio reels which are soundtracks for the film. Film reels include stills and test stills and camera originals. Most reels are labeled according to the scene.

Sans titre

Mary Tucker fonds

  • 68
  • Fonds
  • [197-?]

Fonds consists of an album given to Mary Tucker by her grandfather who had received it in the early 1900s as a gift from the Japanese Diet. The album consists of a series of hand-tinted silk screen reproductions depicting a variety of Japanese scenes and landmarks. Each individual silk screen is labeled with the subject of the image. The covers of the album are black lacquer with a floral image in gold on the back cover and a scene in relief of a woman and a boy sweeping on the front cover.

Sans titre

Penelope Connell collection

  • 70
  • Collection
  • [ca. 1990]

Collection consists of 14 hand-tinted photographs of Japan. Geographic areas represented by these photographs include Kobe, Enosha Island, Tokyo, Nagasaki, Chuzenji Lake at Nikko, Inland Sea at Bingo, Kamakura, Yokohama and Honmoku.

Sans titre

Jonathan Griffin fonds

  • 60
  • Fonds
  • 1974 - 1978

Fonds consists of a paper written for Anthropology 301 taught by Professor Dr. Michael Kew, entitled [Red Cod Island Village or Ninstints Village] - A Memorial, with accompanying colour slide images of the carved poles of Anthony Island, a permanent village of the Kunghit Haida, located on the southern shores of Haida Gwaii.

Sans titre

Deirdre Lott collection

  • 88
  • Collection
  • [ca. 1966-1967]

Collection consists of an Eaton's Promotion Brochure titled "Eaton's Salute to Indian Culture" circa 1966-1967. Highlights displays and activities undertaking traditional arts and cultural events.

Hakka Mountain songs and laments collection

  • 137
  • Collection
  • 1976 - [200-]

Collection consists of six compact discs with recordings of Hakka Mountain songs and laments, sung by Mrs. Yau Chan Shek-ying in 1976, along with accompanying documentation. Documentation includes lists of recordings with song descriptions, song translations/transcriptions, a photograph and bio of the singer, and articles collected by Elizabeth Lominska Johnson. The songs were sung in an older dialect of Hakka. Song types include marriage laments, mountain songs, and funeral laments.

Hakka mountain, or Hakka hill songs, are rural songs sung in the Hakka language by the Hakka people of Southern China. The songs vary in theme/subject, and exist as a kind of oral literature and/or communication at a distance.

Sans titre

William Carr fonds

  • 86
  • Fonds
  • [1949 or 1950]

The fonds consists of black and white photographs and negatives. Subjects depicted include villages, boats and ferries, landscapes, bridges, logging clearcuts, and totem poles. Some of the photos appear to be of the Lions Gate Bridge, Stanley Park, and the Capilano Suspension Bridge.

Sans titre

A.F.R. Wollaston fonds

  • 10
  • Fonds
  • ca. 1915-1919

The fonds consists of photographs likely taken by A.F.R. Wollaston in Uganda, the Congo, New Guinea, and Fiji. Also included are the envelope in which the photos were posted, and a note from M (Marjorie Halpin) to Audrey (Shane? Hawthorn?) regarding the donation of the photos to MoA.

Sans titre

Lorna R. Marsden fonds

  • 141
  • Fonds
  • Digitized 2016 (originally created 1971-1972)

The fonds consists of digitized photographs and slides taken by Lorna R. Marsden during her visit to northern Ethiopia in the late fall, winter, and spring of 1971-1972. Marsden traveled from Addis Ababa to Debre Libanos, Debre Markos, Bahar Dar, Gondar, Lalibela, Mekele, and Aksum. On this trip, Marsden purchased several objects, thirteen of which she later donated to the Museum of Anthropology in 2016. Photographs include images of buildings, landscapes, and cityscapes, historic and tourist sites, celebrations, marketplaces, objects and goods, scenes from everyday life in urban and rural northern Ethiopia, as well as other images related to or giving context to the donated objects. The photographs also show Marsden at historic sites and other locations in northern Ethiopia, with Ethiopian locals and her travelling companions, and with some of the donated objects.

Sans titre

Stallworthy Family fonds

  • 139
  • Fonds
  • 1856-1925

The fonds reflects the religious work and family history of Rev. George Stallworthy and his descendants. The fonds consists of correspondence and drawings related to the family's time in the South Pacific; 20 photographic portraits of family members; sermons, article reprints, and correspondence related to George Burnett Stallworthy's religious work and life; and a scrapbook containing memoranda, correspondence, photographs, clippings, pamphlets, genealogical research, and other ephemera from the Stallworthy family up to 1925.

The fonds is arranged into files based on the content and medium of the records.

Sans titre

Résultats 21 à 40 sur 151