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Hylton Smith fonds

  • 142
  • Fundo
  • May 1955

Colour slides of a shaman gathering labeled as a "Witchdoctor Conference" that took place in Johannesburg, South Africa, in 1955, and other images from South Africa (Johannesburg, Zululand, Ndebele village near Pretoria, and Majuji Village near Transvaal). Photos taken by Hylton Smith, who was working as an architect in Johannesburg when he witnessed and photographed the conference.

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Iris and Jack Lieber collection

  • 143
  • Coleção
  • 1961-1972

The collection consists of research reports collected by Iris and Jack Lieber during their time in Africa and 5 Super 8 video reel tapes were collected during their time in Papua New Guinea. The research reports were written by students at the University of Ibadan, where Jack Lieber worked as a professor in the Department of Education. Reels include footage from schools and the community in Papua New Guinea. Collection also includes two books published by Jack Lieber, and a piece of correspondence sent to him.

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MOA Partnership of Peoples Renewal Project fonds

  • 150
  • Fundo
  • 1998 - 2010

MOA’s Partnership for the Peoples Renewal project (MRP) was a multi-year major expansion and renovation project, undertaken to enhance physical, visual and virtual access to MOA collections in order to better facilitate ongoing research. The project lasted from 2004-2010, and cost approximately $55.5 million. It was funded in large part by a Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) grant. Additional funds came from provincial (British Columbia) grants, a Museums Assistance Program (MAP), and the University of British Columbia. Prior to the launch of the MRP, MOA’s thirty year old infrastructure was no longer able to successfully serve the increasing demands of its communities and users due to insufficient space to safely store or display material, to acquire new acquisitions, or to conduct research

Renovations included a new research wing, new offices, laboratories, a culturally sensitive research room, recording studio, and a new exhibition hall (The Audain Gallery). Other enhancements included MOA's new Multiversity Galleries, the creation of the Reciprocal Research Network (RRN), expansion of the Museum Shop, a new cafe, and courtyard and outdoor events area.

The work of the MRP was carried out by different streams: Program Wide stream, Building stream, Collections Research and Enhancement Project (CREP), the Reciprocal Research Network (RRN), and the Laboratory of Archaeology stream. Records in the fonds are divided into series based on these streams.

The MRP had physical and virtual components. The physical components included:
• Expanding the building (from approx.. 50,000 square feet to 120,000 square feet)
• Creation of spaces suitable for interdisciplinary and collaborative community-based research
• New 5,600 square foot exhibition space
• A redesign and expansion of visible storage into the “Multiversity Galleries”
• Expanded capacity for direct object study through the creation of research suites
• New large object storage rooms for textiles, works on paper, and three dimensional works
• New offices for staff
• New chemistry lab
• New library and archives space
• Installation of a Museum cafe
• Expansion and relocation of the Museum Shop

Virtual components included:
• Development of the Reciprocal Research Network (RRN)
• The digitization of MOA’s object collection, and development of an online catalogue to make these images and object information accessible.
• Consultations with originating communities regarding the handling and description of MOA’s object collection

Major roles in the MRP included:
• Jill Baird (MOA staff) – Project Lead,
• UBC Properties Trust (especially Joe Redmond and Rob Brown) – The University’s development arm given responsibility to build all UBC buildings. Involved in review and approval of design and budget, including UBC Board approvals
• Lundholm Associate Architects (Michael Lundholm, Lead) – Museum architect and planning specialist. Worked on initial plans with MOA in early phase, and did the feasibility study.
• Stantec Architecture Limited (Noel Best, lead) – The architectural firm that designed the building and interior spaces renovations and additions, in consultation with Arthur Erickson (architect of the original building)
• David Cunningham – Lead project designer
• Ambit Consulting (Dan Zollmann) – Provided program management consultation for non-building components of MRP
• Goppion - Italian company that made the new cases that went in the Multiversity Galleries

President's Planning and Coordinating Committee fonds

  • 123
  • Fundo
  • 1971 - 1976

The fonds consists of minutes, correspondence, contracts, and reports relating to the Planning of the Museum of Man (later Museum of Anthropology). The fonds includes information pertaining to the planning for the new museum, building needs, museum function, and the Functional Program which outlines the results of decisions the committee made.

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George Szanto fonds

  • 138
  • Fundo
  • May 1962

Fonds consists of eight slides of totem poles being raised in the Haida Village at the University of British Columbia (UBC). The slides are dated May, 1962. The photographs were taken by George Szanto, the son-in-law of Geoffrey Andrew who was the Dean and Deputy President of UBC from 1947 to 1962.

The totem poles represented in the images were carved by Haida artist Bill Reid and 'Namgis artist Doug Cranmer. They were originally situated at UBC's Totem Park. They are now located on the grounds behind the Museum of Anthropology, and modelled on a 19th century Haida village.

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Carol Mayer fonds

  • 100
  • Fundo
  • 1977 - 2014, predominant 1987 - 2014

The fonds consists of records created by Carol Mayer at the University of British Columbia as Curator of Collections and Curator of Ethnology and Ceramics at the Museum of Anthropology, as a Department of Anthropology & Sociology Instructor, as Curator of Africa/Pacific, and as Curatorial Department Head. Also included are records relating to her role within the MOA Exhibition Committee. The fonds also contains records related to her role as an instructor at the Emily Carr College of Art and Design. The records consist mainly of textual material with a small amount of graphic material and small artifacts. The records include correspondence, memoranda, incoming loan agreements, exhibit receipts, exhibit proposals and forms, policy drafts, news releases, pamphlets, minutes of committee meetings, budgets, agendas, schedules, exhibition lists, facility reports, display labels, CD’s, sketches, journals, transcribed interviews, research notes, negatives, slides and photographs.

The records are arranged into the following series:

  1. Administrative files 1987-2014

  2. Exhibition files 1977-2013

  3. Student Project files 1994-2013

See attached pdf document for descriptions of these series with file lists.

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Harry B. Hawthorn fonds

  • 51
  • Fundo
  • [189-] - [200-], predominant [193-] - [197-]

The fonds consists of records created and collected by Harry B. Hawthorn in a number of different capacities: as researcher, professor, Dean of Anthropology and Director of the Museum of Anthropology. Textual records in the fonds include correspondence, transcripts, research notes and clippings from publications. Much of the graphic materials relate to Harry Hawthorn’s interactions with Indigenous communities as an anthropologist, a professor, and as the Director of MOA. Other images relate to his personal life, documenting his youth in New Zealand, his life as a father and anthropologist, and his later established professional roles.

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Margaret Stott fonds

  • 65
  • Fundo
  • 1976 - 1991, predominant 1979 - 1990

Fonds consists of correspondence, minutes of meetings, policy drafts, report drafts and final reports, conference notes, product brochures, published materials, press clippings, questionnaires, evaluations, and memorandums pertaining to public programs, education, and curator activities.
The fonds includes the following series:

  1. Curriculum Vitae of Margaret Stott (1991),
  2. Conference Records (1984-1989),
  3. Volunteer Associates Program Records (1981-1989),
  4. School Programs Records (1984-1987),
  5. University of British Columbia Museum Studies Records (1980-1989),
  6. Public Programs Records (1979-1988),
  7. Administrative Records (1976-1989),
  8. Cultural Review Board Records (1987-1989),
  9. Financial Records (1985),
  10. Acquisitions Committee Records (1984-1988),
  11. Textile Committee Records (1980),
  12. Audio Tour Records (1976-1985),
  13. Video Disc Project Records (1981-1988),
  14. Audio-Visual Programs Records (1978-1985),
  15. Homecoming '86 Records (1985-1986),
  16. Exhibit Records (1977-1987)

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Anthony Carter fonds

  • 25
  • Fundo
  • [194-]-2018, predominant 1966-1979

The fonds consists of photographs, transparencies, negatives, prints, slides, textual records and objects. Contents of the fonds primarily reflect First Nations cultures in British Columbia between 1960 and 1980, including the Haida, Coast Salish (formerly Burrard Reserve), Kwakiutl (Kwakwaka'wakw), Gitsegukla and Ans'pa yaxw (Kispiox) nations. Notable First Nations personalities and artists documented include Chief Dan George, Gerry Marks, Henry Hunt and Norman Tait. Contents also include: B.C. landscapes such as Gwayasdums (Gilford Island), Klemtu, Mamalilikulla and Uchucklesaht; First Nations children; First Nations exhibits, totem poles and installations at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver and for the National Museum of Ethnology in Osaka, Japan. The original accession was arranged in series according to Carter's published works which focus on specific localities, communities, individuals and subject matter, with additional series related to Carter's photojournalistic work and personal recordkeeping added in 2019 when an accrual was made to the fonds.

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Director's fonds

  • 119
  • Fundo
  • 1953 - 2021

Fonds consists of records created by the Director of the Museum of Anthropology. The records consist of mainly textual material and a small amount of graphic material and architectural drawings. The records include correspondence, memoranda, minutes of staff, committee, and association meetings, reports, handwritten notations, draft copies, published and unpublished articles and papers, applications and forms, financial reports and statements, pamphlets, brochures, day-timers ,contracts, agreements, newspaper clippings, blueline prints, programmes, invitations, staff lists, volunteer lists, donor lists, member lists, photographs, curriculum vitae, job descriptions, collections lists, architectural plans, advertisements, cards, receipts, slides, contact sheets, and other textual and graphic material related to the activities and functions of Director.

The fonds has been organized into the following series:

  1. General Administration Files, 1970-ca. 2013
  2. Finances Files, 1971-2005
  3. Human Resources Files, 1972-2013
  4. Facilities and Services Files, 1972-2013
  5. Collections Files, 1953-2004
  6. Exhibitions Files, 1971-2017
  7. Public Programmes and Events Files, 1974-2013
  8. School Programmes Files, 1978-1996
  9. Teaching/Training and Research Files, 1971-2008
  10. External Relations Files, 1966-2012

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Lyle Wilson fonds

  • 63
  • Fundo
  • 1991 (report). Poster undated.

Fonds consists of a copy of Wilson’s “Kitlope Report: Various Haisla Artifacts” and a poster with map designed by Wilson, titled "Kitamaat: People of the Snow" and featuring Haisla place names.

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Audrey Hawthorn (MOA Curator) fonds

  • 35
  • Fundo
  • 1941-1991, predominant 1947-1978

Fonds consists of records generated by Audrey Hawthorn in her positions as curator of the Museum of Anthropology.

The fonds is arranged into ten series:

1 - General
2 - Finances
3 - Human Resources
4 - Facilities and Services
5 - Collections
6 - Exhibitions
7 - Public Programmes
8 - School Programmes
9 - Teaching/Training/Research
10 - External Relations

These series are further divided into various subseries. The records include, but are not limited to, correspondence between Audrey Hawthorn and a variety of donors, scholars, and other parties associated with the museum; materials documenting collections acquisitions and loans; and records relating to visible storage, and the planning and development of the new museum building. There is extensive documentation concerning the acquisition, development and maintenance of the museum collections. The fonds also includes records of Harry Hawthorn, who formally held the position of Director of the museum, during much of his wife’s tenure as Curator, though often it was Audrey Hawthorn who took on the responsibilities of the directorship. Records in this fonds take the form of correspondence, memoranda, ephemera, newspaper clippings, photographs, sketches, plans slides financial documents, schedules, notes, and forms.

See attached pdf document for full finding aid and box/file list.

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Madeline Bronsdon Rowan fonds

  • 64
  • Fundo
  • 1969 - 1990, predominantly 1976 - 1983

The fonds consists of articles, brochures, classification scheme, correspondence, evaluations, fables, financial records, guidelines, lecture notes, memorandums, minutes of meetings, nitrate negatives, photographs, plans, policies, proposals, published and unpublished articles, receipts, reports, research notes, schedules, scripts, shipping lists, sketches, slides, statistics, surveys, workshop notes relating to Madeline Bronsdon Rowan's curatorial function at the Museum of Anthropology.

The records are arranged into the following 13 series:

  1. Administrative records (1975-1986)
  2. Permanent and temporary exhibitions records (1974-1988)
  3. Summer and Sunday programmes records (1976-198-)
  4. Projects records (1975-1986)
  5. Collections records (1976-1984)
  6. Volunteer Associates records (1976-1980)
  7. School programmes records (1975-1985)
  8. Native studies records (1969-1984)
  9. University teaching function records (1978-1986)
  10. Other educational records (1979-1982);
  11. Published and unpublished articles (1972-1982)
  12. MOA’s history records (1987-1990)
  13. Orientation Centre records (1978-1987)

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Anthony Shelton fonds

  • 152
  • Fundo
  • [197-] - 2021

Fonds includes records created by Shelton in the course of his curatorial role at MOA, including exhibition and research material. Records related to his role as Director can be found in the Director's fonds.

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Hakka Mountain songs and laments collection

  • 137
  • Coleção
  • 1976 - [200-]

Collection consists of six compact discs with recordings of Hakka Mountain songs and laments, sung by Mrs. Yau Chan Shek-ying in 1976, along with accompanying documentation. Documentation includes lists of recordings with song descriptions, song translations/transcriptions, a photograph and bio of the singer, and articles collected by Elizabeth Lominska Johnson. The songs were sung in an older dialect of Hakka. Song types include marriage laments, mountain songs, and funeral laments.

Hakka mountain, or Hakka hill songs, are rural songs sung in the Hakka language by the Hakka people of Southern China. The songs vary in theme/subject, and exist as a kind of oral literature and/or communication at a distance.

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Mary Lipsett fonds

  • 67
  • Fundo
  • 1929

The fonds consists of an album, embossed with the title "A Souvenir, Mr. and Mrs. Lipsett", housing 24 photographs depicting people, imperial and Shinto temples, shrines, monasteries and other sites and scenes taken in various cities in Japan.

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Pam Brown fonds

  • 104
  • Fundo
  • 1987 - 2013

Fonds reflects Brown’s career as a curator at the Museum of Anthropology, including her role as Supervisor of the Native Youth Programme. Records include correspondence, memoranda, reports, press clippings, grant applications, press releases, schedules, liability waivers, itineraries, comment books, student assignments, scripts for student presentations, photographs, and audio recordings.

The records are organized into the following series:

  1. Native Youth Programme
  2. Aboriginal Cultural Stewardship Programme
  3. Aboriginal Museum Internship Program
  4. Sourcebooks and Related Materials
  5. Repatriation Forum

See attached pdf document for full description of these series and file lists.

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Anne Williams fonds

  • 24
  • Fundo
  • 1978

Fonds consists of a set of tapes of interviews and the corresponding interview transcripts with Dr. Charles (Carl) E. Borden, late Professor Emeritus of Archaeology at the University of British Columbia, in June/July 1978. Additional textual records include comments made off-tape by Dr. Charles E. Borden during the course of the interviews. The interviews were conducted, transcribed, and edited by Anne Williams for her thesis Carl Borden and archaeology in British Columbia: an interactive history. The interviews relate to the social history of archaeology in British Columbia and were made possible by a British Columbia Youth Employment Program grant.

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Reverend Thomas Crosby fonds

  • 96
  • Fundo
  • 1863 - [199-], predominantly 1863 - [191-]

The records in this fonds pertain to Rev. Crosby’s missionary activities and personal life in British Columbia, Canada. Personal life and missionary activity records include: photographs, bibles, hymns, scriptures, and one textile object.

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John Webber fonds

  • 58
  • Fundo
  • [17-]

Fonds consists of matted prints of engravings made from sketches created by John Webber as official artist on Captain James Cook’s third voyage. Prints depict landscapes, animals, people, clothing styles, architecture, and events that were encountered on the voyage in places such as New Zealand, the Friendly Islands (Tonga), the Sandwich Islands (the Hawaiian Islands), Nootka Sound (Vancouver Island, BC), and Van Dieman’s Land (Tasmania).

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